So as someone who is vehemently against the mandating of ANYTHING, it blows my mind how people will 1. accept this, 2. not want it, but get the shot anyway (which I understand, but also, you're selling your soul to a dark system for a buck essentially), and 3. cheer for people to be fired if they don't get it. Jesus Christ, I never thought I'd see medical apartheid in my life, although I'm not surprised. The writings been on the wall I suppose if you look at how they have schools set up at this point. The vaccine industry was made to have no liability in the 80's, I believe 1985? In 1988, the vaccine schedule took an insane spike in amount required. By 1990 (the year I was born), it nearly tripled. Is it any wonder we see so many autoimmune disorders? I was hospitalized three times between the ages of 4 and 6 for severe asthma attacks. Not saying they're correlated, but it does seem fishy. We didn't evolve to be *ing weak, impotent, not able to breathe, allergic to everything, sacks of flesh. I've taken it upon myself to heal my asthma and allergies (except the peanut allergy), because there is no allopathic model that empowers you to heal your conditions. If you cant see this entirely massive big pHARMA marketing campaign to just inject you with their serums, which will do all harm, and no good. My buddy has a sister who works for the Teamsters, and they were told they had to get it. She doesn't know what to do, and this seems to be what everyone says. You refuse the shot, saying you have a medical and religious exemption. Its that simple. If they then want to fire you for it, lawyer up. Fight back. This is absolute tyranny, and the only reason it's working is because they're using a clever rouse of "public health emergency," AND because people are allowing it. WE HAVE STRENGTH IN NUMBERS. IF you want to get it, have at it buddy, read the ingredients and their side effects first, make a decision based on that though, not the coercion and bribery route they are going. * these masks too, bunch of absolute morons.