I don't have 2 hrs to listen. I have heard alternative theories to germ theory, and I haven't been convinced. Care to give us a quick overview?
Perhaps break it off into half hour chunks? It is truly worth a listen if you have even a slight modicum of interest. The alternative theory is that of terrain theory, which in summary, is the notion that germs are not the culprit of disease, but rather an unhealthy body. Garbage in, garbage out. Cancer, for example, is your body's last attempt at sectioning off toxic overload in a confined area as to isolate it so it's not destroying your entire body. We experience an insane level of toxicity every day- GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, glyphosate, fluoride, arsenic, lead, aluminum, BPA, skin lotions/suncreens, household cleaners, etc. When you bring up just one thing to someone, they often say well its just a little bit, but when you take into account the massive amounts of "just a little bit," it adds up quick. Our bodies have ways of detoxing most things, but with newer technologies like mRNA vaccines, higher levels of EMF radiation, and monsanto's mystery chemicals on our foods, it's becoming increasingly hard for our bodies to adapt to these levels of toxicity. The exponential growth in cancer, organ diseases, asthma, allergies, autism, behavioral disorders, MS, alzheimers, etc showcase an increasingly sick society. What has changed? Well, lets start with the vaccine schedule. Do you know what's in them? Do you know the recommended schedule for a child is 72 shots by the age 18? Did you know certain heavy metals don't detox naturally out of your system if you dont intentionally find a way to detox them? Did you know big pharma doesn't want to cure customers, as that would be a customer lost? Do you see how this model is a brilliant double profit for them by supplying the "cure" (vaccines), and then profiting later on in the triggering of autoimmune disorders within compromised immune systems? There has been very, very little evidence to suggest germs from sick people, can spread to other healthy people and make them sick. They go over this in this podcast. Every study theyve ever done of trying to infect healthy people with the mucous of a sick person has resulted in a big fat zero. Viruses have never been isolated and found to cause disease or sickness. Keep in mind, terrain theory also has not, but you can see the clear distinction between the two and make sense of it with what you will. I have not been sick since February of 2020 after wholeheartedly focusing a lot of my energy into being healthy- eating local, organic, nourishing food. Drinking water through a Berkey filter, with added vitamins and citrus juices, detoxing metals with a protocol, exercising, getting sun with no sunscreen, going about my day with intentions, reducing technology use, reducing social media, going for walks barefoot. The funny thing is, this all sounds like woo woo hippie
, right? I was NEVER like this. This narrative has forced me to wake up to what is now, so clear to me. We did not evolve to be weak and feeble, and succumb to an imaginary germ. I will say this, I do believe COVID to be some sort of neurotoxin that is expressing symptoms in people. This is why the 5G "conspiracy theory" came about. They're ramping up the levels of EMF radiation we're using. We are surrounded by tech and bluetooth and all these millimeter waves, think of it as a very subtle and weak microwave we're standing in. Our bodies are intelligent, they alert you with symptoms when something is wrong. Allopathic model has said "we can suppress this for you for instant relief," but you are ignoring the root cause of why those symptoms came about. I'll finish with this, have you tried the things I've listed in order to strengthen your immune system? Because if not, then suggesting I be the one to inject myself when I so very clearly have a very logical objection to it, is wrong. I wont mandate you actually get healthy, so don't mandate me to become unhealthy.