Vaccine Mandates Coming For Employment


Well-Known Member
They choose "cultural choice" over ready available science, then it isn't racist.

I'm pretty old and can still remember when you could smoke pretty much anywhere.
Then when public places started restricting where you could smoke in public and subsequently arguing with people who claimed to have "the right to smoke".

I agree that they have a right to smoke, but not in the immediate air I have to breath.

This isn't much different.
Apparently age in this case does not equate to wisdom. If the shots work for you then no worries right? If it’s raining outside and I choose not to carry an umbrella and you do, does that mean your umbrella does not work? Cigarettes (that were pushed by doctors as healthy) have been established to cause cancer and lung damage though people apparently back then had no common sense either. Along came smoking and non-smoking policies. No one was being coerced to inject something into their body that has been established to potentially cause death, permanent injury worse than the disease or some unknown long-term health consequence. If cocaine and heroine were legalized tomorrow because doctors/science said it kills some contagious disease though common sense said otherwise , would you be ok if restaurants told you that you had snort a line of cocaine or inject heroine before entering?


Well-Known Member
They choose "cultural choice" over ready available science, then it isn't racist.

I'm pretty old and can still remember when you could smoke pretty much anywhere.
Then when public places started restricting where you could smoke in public and subsequently can remember arguing with people who claimed to have "the right to smoke".

I agree that they have a right to smoke, but not in the immediate air I have to breath.

This isn't much different.

It's hard to watch the justification of the left literally making desperate efforts to support a scientifically (based on the CDCs own numbers) evidenced racist policy that has a frightening similarity to the past. It's just...there are no words. It really shows how the masses can be brainwashed and it really shows how Hitler was able to control all of those willing Nazis.

I say again, history will remember the side who applied the boot of control as well as the side who advocated for freedom of your own body.


Got the T-Shirt
If you're cool with having certain people fired and keeping them out of the supermarket because they made the "wrong choice", get ready for the next step.



My Senior Picture
If you're cool with having certain people fired and keeping them out of the supermarket because they made the "wrong choice", get ready for the next step.

The "wrong choice" can be they don't like what you say, or who you vote for.
The context of the (hypothetical scenario) conversation you are quoting me on was the "creation of two distinct classes of people" and whether it is racist and discriminatory to minorities in the presence of a free vaccine, not about "my body, my choice".


Well-Known Member
I do find it ironic among the the people I know who are "my body, my choice" in relation to vaccinations, yet are vehemently opposed to abortion.
Abortion is legalized genocide. Murder is murder is murder…. Through some legal slight of hand, unborn fetuses were dehumanized, much like what is going on today towards people who don’t want an experimental shot; like what happened in Nazi Germany and the old gulags of the old Soviet Union which makes the Holocaust look like a picnic in the park.


Don’t worry he’s friendly
I always wondered from this current time, what kids 100 years from now will think of this era when they read about it in the history books.