Vaccine Mandates, Teamsters caving?


Well-Known Member
Measles and smallpox first appeared before the year 1000 😂😂😂
Meet my friend history. He’s a m’fer
Seems like humans managed just fine for over thousand years without a measles or smallpox vaccine.

Netsua 3:16

Seems like humans managed just fine for over thousand years without a measles or smallpox vaccine.
What a statement.
You know, Nintendo was just fine when it first came out.
We don’t need all these ps4s and Xbox’s
Cause you know, there’s no need to progress 😂
It’s like. Here you have this opportunity to prevent people from getting sick
But, you don’t mind people getting sick and dying. No need to stop that
Even though, you participate in the same modern society as them with every unnecessary advanced amenity out there and benefit from their contribution to commerce
Hence: the selfish swine label


Well-Known Member
What a statement.
You know, Nintendo was just fine when it first came out.
We don’t need all these ps4s and Xbox’s
Cause you know, there’s no need to progress 😂
It’s like. Here you have this opportunity to prevent people from getting sick
But, you don’t mind people getting sick and dying. No need to stop that
Even though, you participate in the same modern society as them with every unnecessary advanced amenities out there and benefit from their contributions
Hence: the selfish swine label
If you cared about humanity you would be fine with letting evolution take place. So much for “progress”.


Well-Known Member
What a statement.
You know, Nintendo was just fine when it first came out.
We don’t need all these ps4s and Xbox’s
Cause you know, there’s no need to progress 😂
It’s like. Here you have this opportunity to prevent people from getting sick
But, you don’t mind people getting sick and dying. No need to stop that
Even though, you participate in the same modern society as them with every unnecessary advanced amenity out there and benefit from their contribution to commerce
Hence: the selfish swine label
I’d prefer a few more people to die every year rather then in 10 years have people flocking to my country because it’s too hot in their own to grow any food.