Vaccine Mandates, Teamsters caving?


Well-Known Member
Examples of systemic racism do not steer me away from taking the vaccine.
Don’t intently confuse one issue with something completely different.
Vaccines have been used successfully for hundreds of years. This is nothing new.
You gotta get over it, man.
All these old creepy bastards in charge of us got the shot.
There’s no reason not to get the shot, other than you “don’t trust society”
Well then. I suggest you decline to participate in that society and GTFO. We’re doing shi** the same way we always have in a time of pandemic here.

Systemic racism is no longer a problem then? Pick one, either racists are around and will use this precedent to target minorities, or racism is no longer a risk, and will never be a risk to minorities in the future.

But the point of “double speak” is the ability to hold two conflicting positions at the same time without connecting the dots, isnt it?

As to our “leaders” taking the shot, no they havent. Fauci faked it and was holding his other arm like an idiot, Kidsniffer doesnt even know what covid is, much less where he is, even the CEO of Pfizer was just blocked from Israel because he was unjabbed.

If you took the clotshot, sorry man. Hopefully it doesnt do any permanent damage to your heart or other organs. Because it certainly doesn’t protect you from anything.

But at least you can sue if something goes wrong. Oh… wait…

Buffet Master

If a deep freeze morgue truck showed up in my town, I'd be awfully suspicious if one of those cheap steak sales tents popped up in the mall parking lot in the following weeks.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully soon if you decide not get the vaccine your insurance can and will decline treatment bills.
I found out with my first daughter, when I told them I didn’t want them sticking her with poison vaccines, they straight up told me I needed to find a new doctor. I said, “I get it, you don’t get the insurance payout from non vaccinated children.” Relegating us and ghettoizing people for making personal choices on vaccines has been common for a while now. Best thing ever though, my family doctor is epic and based.


Inordinately Right
Don't need all that anyway, just head down to the feed store and get some horse dewormer. Problem solved.



Well-Known Member
Yes. Just like you conservative masters want you to do. Blame the poor for our problems 😂😂
Vote red! Corporate bailouts! Tax cuts for the Uber rich!
Lol Obama bailed out the corporations. The uber rich you claim to hate so much donated exclusively to democrats.

And are making record breaking profits by using democrat policies designed to screw over small businesses, like shutting down mom and pop restaurants while letting mcdonalds stay open.

Trump bailed out the people. Trump was the first president to send checks to civilians.

If dems are the party that hates the rich and supports the little guy, how come they always :censored2: the little guy over to help out their rich buddies?


Well-Known Member
Lol Obama bailed out the corporations. The uber rich you claim to hate so much donated exclusively to democrats.

And are making record breaking profits by using democrat policies designed to screw over small businesses, like shutting down mom and pop restaurants while letting mcdonalds stay open.

Trump bailed out the people. Trump was the first president to send checks to civilians.

If dems are the party that hates the rich and supports the little guy, how come they always :censored2: the little guy over to help out their rich buddies?

Not to mention they drop their stinky socialist poop propaganda everywhere because their mommy and daddy don’t like to change their diaper too often.


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