Vaccine Mandates, Teamsters caving?


Inordinately Right
Yeah! Sieg Heil! SIEG HEIL!


Well-Known Member
I know someone that is only 23 that got mycardotis from the vax and also his relative died after the vax. He was healthy not sure about relative. That is two people getting :censored2:ed in one family. :censored2: anyone that thinks its no big deal.


Well-Known Member
First they still need to create the "law", which is very unlikely to pass the supreme court.

If it does? It will be just like a beard waiver. There are all sorts of allergies and medical conditions which may prevent you or exempt you not to mention religious exemptions.
The weekly test will at first be one of the saliva tests, then after a couple weeks it will switch to taking a drivers temperature. Then the little QR codes you scan with your phone and self report any symptoms.

Eventually, it will be like any other government requirement and management will just forge records for compliance because drivers are milking it for all its worth and it will be repealed for all intents and purposes.

Im just skipping to the end where we don't do anything. Biden won't notice, trust me.

The Driver

I drive.
Just like Israel, who has among the highest vaccination rates, has more cases now than at any time of the pandemic? Working great.
Just like Israel, who has among the… wait, 52 deaths yesterday? Versus our over 1,500.

We lose more people than in less than one week than they have since the start of the outbreak.

wOrKiNg GrEaT


Well-Known Member
They’ve reached their all-time wave apex and we haven’t. This is why the case numbers matter.

Israel has had about 800 deaths per million population.

The United States has had almost 2,000 per million population.

View attachment 351444

Also I flubbed my death stats for yesterday.
And this is why age, race, sex, BMI and all that are involved in science, if you want to do science. Thanks.

Compare Israel to an equivalent racial and obesity demographic in the United States, then.

That would be science.

The Driver

I drive.
And this is why age, race, sex, BMI and all that are involved in science, if you want to do science. Thanks.

Compare Israel to an equivalent racial and obesity demographic in the United States, then.

That would be science.
It would be an interesting study but we already know fatties and olds and the like are more likely to die. Americans are more likely to die because of these factors, no doubt.

We also know those olds and fatties and the like have better outcomes and don’t die nearly as often with the vaccine’s protection. It’s simple snapshot in time data but it’s clear. If you can’t show me where vaccines are sickening people then you don’t have a salient argument against them. You are grasping at straws.


Well-Known Member
It would be an interesting study but we already know fatties and olds and the like are more likely to do. Americans are more likely to die because of these factors, no doubt.

We also know those olds and fatties and the like have better outcomes and don’t die nearly as often with the vaccine’s protection. It’s simple snapshot in time data but it’s clear. If you can’t show me where vaccines are sickening people then you don’t have a salient argument against them. You are grasping at straws.
But what we don't know is how similar groups fare when vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Why don't you want to do science?

What you say would be "interesting" is the ONLY thing that should be called science.

I can't show you the harm the vaccines are doing because we are not studying it, lol.


Well-Known Member
Will the Teamsters stand up to Biden and get the same exemption from Bidens over-reaching OSHA vaccine mandate of ALL employers employing over 100 employees that the USPS received yesterday?


Inordinately Right
They’ve reached their all-time wave apex and we haven’t. This is why the case numbers matter.

Israel has had about 800 deaths per million population.

The United States has had almost 2,000 per million population.

View attachment 351444

Also I flubbed my death stats for yesterday.
I just walked into the endzone, but if moving the goalposts around makes you feel better, then have at it good buddy.


Inordinately Right
Will the Teamsters stand up to Biden and get the same exemption from Bidens over-reaching OSHA vaccine mandate of ALL employers employing over 100 employees that the USPS received yesterday?
In the union presidential debate they said mandates are a bargaining issue. Will they lay down like little bitches?