Vaccine Mandates, Teamsters caving?


Inordinately Right
1,500 families a day are having to say goodbye forever to Bubba and Karen. Because Bubba and Karen's Jimmy Dean-encrusted brains were too deranged to make a reasonable decision to protect themselves and too selfish to even begin thinking about the welfare of others in their Covid-blasting path.
I'm sorry you're so scared little lady.
Must suck to live your life like that.
Thoughts and prayers.


Well-Known Member
Can't believe them. You're taking them at their word. It's useless data. They can't control for it.
You don't have to take them at their word. Their age, race, sex, BMI, smoking and other factors are easily verifiable, as is their vaccination or previous infection status.

We could do all of that.

And we don't.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Or concern yourself with others welfare and health.
They got the vaccine, right? What are they worried about? People with it are apparently still spreading the virus anyway. How many people have died from a flu that could be traced back to me in my lifetime? I'm supposed to be concerned about it now?

The Driver

I drive.
I'm sorry you're so scared little lady.
Must suck to live your life like that.
Thoughts and prayers.
I'm a trim 30-something who eats healthier than 98% of anyone I've ever met. And I'm vaccinated. I'm not necessarily at risk.

But guess what? I care about my family and friends and strangers (until they prove they deserve my snide remarks and scorn). So I got vaccinated to protect other people.

What are you doing to protect other people from catching a full viral load out of your lungs and nasopharynx?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
They got the vaccine, right? What are they worried about? People with it are apparently still spreading the virus anyway. How many people have died from a flu that could be traced back to me in my lifetime? I'm supposed to be concerned about it now?
Lots of people can't be vaccinated and need the rest of us to protect them. Including small children who are among the fastest growing population being infected.

The Driver

I drive.
Try to think logically.
The vaccine either works or it doesn't.
You don't need other people to get vaccinated to protect you if it works.

FFS use your head kiddo.
We do need 80% of people to get vaccinated to protect everyone, based on R0 factor, etc.

The vaccine works. It reduces viral load if infected and vaccinated. It reduces severe illness. If it reduces viral loads then it helps others, but works even better if everyone is vaccinated.

God, you are seriously falling behind here. Try to keep up. Maybe read my post three or four times?


Well-Known Member
What are you doing in here!