Vote NO Explained


Inordinately Right
Ok. That is what I’m saying. It’s really up to the supplements and riders. It may be a yes here and a no there if you don’t have a guarantee.
Ok. If you're saying the master sucks I agree.

If your supplement fixes the language feel free to vote Yes on your supplement. You should still vote no on the master.


Well-Known Member
over $129,000 to pension over the life of the contract (if working 2080) but we can do better??? I want a economist to review this not a kid. Does he even know we already got two tier drivers in 1997 under Ron Carey with what many consider our best contract ever. Anyone know if he has been elected as a steward, a BA or ran for office at his local. Just because a youtube video says we can do better is hardly enough for me to follow like a sheep. This contract is all about Supplements and Rider language. I know some areas are a "no" and some are "yes" depending on them. I mean this was put out before the regional language was even finalized and FB ate it up.
I heard he's a 4 year driver who doesn't enforce the contract we have now


Well-Known Member
Read number one and two dip :censored2:.
Not only did you delete the a part but most of all you fail to realize not all RPCD have 9.5 rights under our current contract language. Tell me what’s better? ALL RPCD being covered under 9.5 in the new contract. Or your hypocritical stance on our current 9.5 language where not everyone is covered.


Well-Known Member
So two tier drivers have been in the contract 20 years and now they are getting upgraded to full time pension. Isn’t that an improvement?
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Well-Known Member
You're pushing a yes vote to sell out future employees to protect past employees. Ya, you're a sellout Tony.
Always easier to call names then actually address the issues. Like I said many times this contract really depends on your supplements and riders. I don’t need to stoop to your level. Have a good night and I hope your region is successful in getting a good contract.


Well-Known Member
I’m not selling out anyone in fact one of the main reasons I am voting yes is because our retiree medical will go from a lifetime cap of $500,000 to unlimited. That means EVERY member can rest assured that they will not go financially bankrupt if they or their coverd family member gets ill or a has catastrophic injury. We have an early retirement package called PEER 80 where people can retire as early as 49. There is no way a lifetime cap of $500,000 would be enough to get to medicare at 65. So you would rather I voted no for you rather than take care of the retiree and future employee’s in my region. You saying I am a terrible person and to kill myself for that? SMH

Can you cite that source? I would like to see it.


Well-Known Member
Ok first your said it sucked because of the raises to new hires and I answered full time jobs are available to them. N
ow why else does it suck for part timers
Can you cite that source? I would like to see it.
Lifetime cap is a joke they force you on medicare or medicaid at 65 so if you retired at 58 your lifetime cap is 7 years plus most retired people have to get supplemental insurance now because ours doesn't cover enough. More of our pension will go for insurance by the time I retire in 17 years


Well-Known Member
Lifetime cap is a joke they force you on medicare or medicaid at 65 so if you retired at 58 your lifetime cap is 7 years plus most retired people have to get supplemental insurance now because ours doesn't cover enough. More of our pension will go for insurance by the time I retire in 17 years
That is why the unlimited cap on Retiree healthcare is so important. At 65 it becomes supplemental to Medicare. It really is a legit deal and shame if we don’t get it.


Well-Known Member
Can you cite that source? I would like to see it.
You can call any local in the WR177healthcare to verify. The some of the contract explanation meetings are happening this coming weekend so there should be literature then. It really is a too great a benefit to pass is for our members in the West.


This video really doesn't go over the facts. It's a whiteboard with a bunch of random items from the contract. Why I think this contract is terrible this video only clouds the reality of the language. Any full-time driver that likes overtime. Say good by to those extra hours. Tell me why UPS would pay you your overtime rate when they can pay a 22.4 driver to do it for straight time.


Well-Known Member
This video really doesn't go over the facts. It's a whiteboard with a bunch of random items from the contract. Why I think this contract is terrible this video only clouds the reality of the language. Any full-time driver that likes overtime. Say good by to those extra hours. Tell me why UPS would pay you your overtime rate when they can pay a 22.4 driver to do it for straight time.
We have language in our riders that protects our extra work.

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
We have language in our riders that protects our extra work.

isn't any "extra work" really at the discretion of the company to create it in the first place though? say tomorrow they decide to build a bunch of new routes and shave the stops from all the other routes. now everybody has 8 hours of work and there's no "extra work" just more drivers. they can and will do the same with 22.4 drivers. they will take pickups off your routes as well as whole areas that used to be your overtime and create these hybrid routes for the hybrid drivers that im sure will have different production standards. see ya cant tell them how to run there company. if they want to eliminate "extra work" they will and there will be none for your language to protect


Well-Known Member
isn't any "extra work" really at the discretion of the company to create it in the first place though? say tomorrow they decide to build a bunch of new routes and shave the stops from all the other routes. now everybody has 8 hours of work and there's no "extra work" just more drivers. they can and will do the same with 22.4 drivers. they will take pickups off your routes as well as whole areas that used to be your overtime and create these hybrid routes for the hybrid drivers that im sure will have different production standards. see ya cant tell them how to run there company. if they want to eliminate "extra work" they will and there will be none for your language to protect
They will only hire as many 22.4 as they need on Saturday. This is because the 22.4 are guaranteed 8 hours T-S and if they hire 25 drives to work that week when they only run 17 routes on Saturday then they will contractually have to pay the eight 22.4 drivers their daily guarantee for sitting at home due to their over staffing on Saturday.
Not to mention centers are driver by cars on road and your scenario put too many out there. I know this because we have two tier cover drivers since 1997 and if they wanted that plan they would have tried it a long time ago.
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Well-Known Member
That is why the unlimited cap on Retiree healthcare is so important. At 65 it becomes supplemental to Medicare. It really is a legit deal and shame if we don’t get it.
You say pension increase but what God is it really if our pension payout doesn't go up we still at 100 per full time year and 60 for part time. That was good 25 years ago but in 15 20 years with the rise of our health insurance for retirement it isn't good enough


Well-Known Member
I hope package car driver doesn't mind starting later probably about 10 am 22.4 got the rest. You have 8 hours at about 630 so no more overtime for most full-time employees


Well-Known Member
You say pension increase but what God is it really if our pension payout doesn't go up we still at 100 per full time year and 60 for part time. That was good 25 years ago but in 15 20 years with the rise of our health insurance for retirement it isn't good enough
Here in the West our pension is well funded and doing fantastic. Pension contributions has risen every contract. In fact last contract if you worked the max 2080 all 5 years you would have put $106,000 into your pension. This contract if you work your 2080 you WILL get $129,000. So if your a full timer we are talking 10 years and almost s quarter of a million dollars and most people work 30 years so you do the math. You see that is my point this guy did not explain these aspects or the regional aspects involved. Some areas are even higher!