Oh bubble how many times in the past have you and other drivers complained of excessive overtime. If we printed all your post all about you and the 9.5 list over the last 10 years how high would that stack be? Now you flip flop back to guys need the work.......Hmmmmm
I don't complain at all???
In fact, if you come around regularly, instead of just when you have something to sell, you would know that I have been on the 9.5 List (for the last 5 years here in the Central) and have deemed it effective language.
The language in Article 37, for the most part, has worked for me.
But in my building, for every 9.5 participant, there are three who choose not to opt-in.
What does that tell you???
They want and need the OT, to which I don't begrudge them, nor do I expect the IBT to propose language that cuts off their noses to spite my face.
This notion that "we all want less forced OT" is a false hard sell and quite frankly BS.
Look, no matter what happens, I will be fine cause I already got mine.
I'm in the eleventh hour of my career, but am looking to pay it forward to the collective whole, past/present/and future.
All we ever hear you making are desperate pleas to preserve your regions side deals and carve outs, which greatly compromises your credibility on national issues.
This national 22.4 proposal is crap language that will completely change the landscape for full time drivers going forward and I can not stand mute about it.