Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


I'm a star
Really, if I show up to work I’m guaranteed 8 hours. Are there people really saying ok I be here tomorrow maybe I can work then?

We only get 4 hours show up pay, and only if they don't give you an hour heads up call to tell you not to come in. The bottom 10+ drivers are on the schedule as "call in" every day of every week. So if we show up without calling in first, they can deny us the 4 hour show up pay because we technically aren't scheduled. No two supplementals are the same, and how you vote on the master should not be based on what your supplemental says.

vote yes!!!!

Well-Known Member
Here’s a question then, how many of you guys that don’t like the 22.4 language will be getting them in your center?
Every got damn one you jackass. This is forever language. Imagine 20 years from now. You think they won’t have guys making $6 less an hour working in every center. Don’t be stupid.

Whoa man, there is no forever language. We vote on a contract every 5 years, why am I looking into the future 20 years. 5 years at a time.


I'm a star
Here’s a question then, how many of you guys that don’t like the 22.4 language will be getting them in your center?

How should we know? Even if a center doesn't get 22.4's immediately, what's to stop them from showing up eventually? It's not a good deal, no matter how you look at it.

The implication of that question is that those of us who don't like 22.4 are worried about nothing. But the same people implying that turn around and say it's a great opportunity for part timers. It can't be both, either there will be so few that ground drivers shouldn't worry, or there will be so many that part timers will have a "great opportunity". The latter is still untrue, because ground driver is a great opportunity for part timers, 22.4 is worse than ground driver, so it can't be a great opportunity.

What should be happening is all the regions that allow temporary cover drivers to be used year round in violation of the contract should be forcing the company to comply with the contract and create permanent ground driver jobs. 22.4 is an admission of incompetence and defeat by the union.