Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.

browned out

Well-Known Member
Enough already, neither side wants a strike. A no vote is going to send stock prices down, which is why the company is paranoid. They're not going to compound that with a lockout at any time. The negotiating team feels they did a good job, but if the vote comes back no then it's a back to the table situation. No one is calling a strike. Take it for what it is, a labor force that wants better.

Almost a 0% chance of a strike. A strike would hurt UPS and Hoffa/Taylor more that it would hurt any UPS employee. We could vote the National Master down and the Union/UPS will continue to negotiate for a year or years. VOTE NO! THIS OFFER IS UNACCEPTABLE.

Frankie's Friend

No I do not think I a doing harm. I want to see you strike this company so you can feel the pain of losing work and learning a lesson.
A one day strike would cripple the stock and customer confidence.
Why would you allow that by negotiating wide spread subcontracting?
You claim that you negotiated this TA. We will see what the membership says but judging by your binge posting and the flood of texts and junk mail you aren't really confident that you did your best.
Guilty conscience bothering you Tony or do you have one?

Poop Head

Judge me.
Trust me, there will be gnashing of teeth. You can joke all you want, but you are going to be in for a hard reality.
Yes, life is hard.

Its too soon for them to break us. They're close, but would crash and burn. 5 years from now.

For what its worth, i thought the contract language was pretty good. I like most of the proposed changes.

Frankie's Friend

you don’t understand. I want you to vote no. I want to see you laid off.

Your likeness.

browned out

Well-Known Member
Or what? How else can you explain this pile of :censored3:. Vote No. There are substantial issues in wages and working conditions that have not been addressed with the members. We don't need non-answers....we need concrete, not open to interpretation language in the CBA protecting FT package car drivers rights to OT; new language for RPCDs to match the 22.4 language regarding 8 hours, 5 consecutive days and 40 hours per week. We need concrete language on start times for RPCDs; $15 start wage and catch up raises for the PTers that are busting their erses. We need to see the upcoming Teamcare benefits summary plan. etc, etc. The proposed agreement is a joke. The scare tactics are not. Scare tactics are downright intimidation vote yes under duress coercion. VOTE this heaping pile of do do down.

Frankie's Friend

Yes, life is hard.

Its too soon for them to break us. They're close, but would crash and burn. 5 years from now.

For what its worth, i thought the contract language was pretty good. I like most of the proposed changes.
Its telling when "most" gets trumped by a few.


Well-Known Member
you don’t understand. I want you to vote no. I want to see you laid off.

Enough with the threats. Everyone has their opinion on this contract, right or wrong. But throwing out strikes and layoffs, as much as they are a possibility, have the same chances of happening as a renegotiated contract with no work stoppage. And the renegotiation is the only thing that benefits all parties.
The company can't hire enough people to perform the job now, good luck replacing us. And the union wants our dues and keep the status quo. A no vote will simply put everyone back at the table to work towards the concerns that have been voiced since the contract was released and reviewed.
State your opinions, make your case. I don't agree with it, but that's fine. But the no vote will cause all these extreme case scenarios is old.

Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
Yesterday I got 2 flyers plus the crap inside the envelope with voting instructions trying to promote this tentative agreement to get a yes vote. Today they sent another half promoting a yes vote and half fear mongering that if we vote no its our fault we will be out on the street with a cup looking for handouts.
IBT can shove it and stop wasting our money on advertisements for their poor negotitations. There will be no strike.
Vote NO as long as it takes to get an acceptable contract!!!