Waiting for payout entitlement check


Retired 23 years
My center manager texted me Wednesday Morning ( it was POURING rain and about 40 degrees) asking if i;d like to come in and make a "little extra money since your technically on vacation"
I'm certain my neighbors heard me howling with laughter
That's strange. Usually UPS and the Union forgets about you the second you walk out the door. :-)


Well-Known Member
Not only are you a quitter but you're not a team player...

They killed some trees to pass this crap out at the pcm one time at my center...so I taped it to the windshield so I wouldn’t forget👍


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I was paid out for my vacations on time.My last day was January 8 and I am on vacation thru Feb28 drawing my first Retirement check March 1 2021. I got all of my vacation weeks paid out 12/31/2020
Yes I retired on 1/3/17 and did the same. But that 7 weeks vaca added to 2017 killed me, but was worth it to be gone.