They have to work under a different contract then when we started. Many of them would be fine if they didn't go home 2 out 5 days, I am talking about the ones's that go home everyday no questions asked.
You can raise the pay, but today's generation will not work as hard as the last few generations. They are the exception (the ones willing to get in the nitty gritty) not the norm.
On this, I can finally agree with you. When I was in package car, when drivers would get an 8HR day, you guys wouldn't adjust the loads, accordingly, and instead, would ask those drivers if they wanted to go home. And instead of telling you guys, "No, I'm working, and you need to figure out how you're going to get my route down to 8HR," like those of us who wanted an 8HR day and not the day off, they would happily go home.
And then, the next day, they would bitch and moan about how you guys never honored 8HR days. As if they didn't have a voice on the matter.
8HR days are an agreement between the Union and Management. And I get it, you guys in management want to take the easiest way out, but that's no excuse for our drivers to grant it to you so easily.
Same thing for taking all of these days off. We've fought for, and earned the great money we make. We work hard. I always have.
And you guys know it, too.
It just amazes me so many our drivers don't. I'm not talking about taking a day off when you need it. I'm talking about these PC drivers who consistently take every Monday off, or any day they can get.
That's the great thing about feeders. It doesn't happen like that in feeders. Guys just don't go home like they do in PC. The money's too good, and the job is so much easier. That's not to say your cousins on the feeder management side don't pull their share of BS like you guys do. They do, and it can be pretty effective, for the same reason it works for you: drivers won't stand up for themselves.
In feeders, we hear about the "On-Time Network" and property times. Neither means much to me. Not that I've got anything against them, but I've been trained on how to do this job, and that's the way I do it. Period. So when your cousins come whining to me about why I'm leaving or arriving late, I'll have a real reason for it. Of course, your boys don't want to hear it; they don't really care about safety, or DOT laws, until I explain it to them, and show them there are no shortcuts with me.
Then, they leave me alone. It's pointless to argue with the truth.
If I were in your position, who knows, maybe I would try to manipulate the system to get my way too. But that doesn't excuse my brothers and sisters from backing down from foundation that everyone before them has built. We have a contract. You guys can do with it what you want. But so can we, if our people would just stand on it.