If you look at the fall of many civilizations it often started with decadent rotting from within. There's nothing uplifting, no pun intended, about a bunch of guys grunting in a bathhouse.Maybe gays are trying to counter act nut jobs who go around telling kids it’s a sin and god hates it. Maybe gays look at the history of it being illegal and punished by prison or castration or death and say huh, maybe we should argue with society about that.
You people routinely complain about gay rights and then deflect to well it’s because they are so loud about it. That’s just you lying to yourself again, especially when you view homosexuality as a sign of the fall of civilization lol.
Keep it to yourselves. And for the record heterosexuals need to be more modest too. When everything is reduced down to seeking sexual pleasure and all roads lead there then that society is on its way out. Sex happens, always has, always will. But when it's the be all, end all focus of any culture then we're all in trouble.