Yes I do feel sorry them. Yes Katrina riled me also. Such a terrible tragedy, and of course the only people blamed is the govt. What about the people who had 3 days notice that this was going to be a hurricane of unimaginable consequence? I know I would leave if I had to walk, and to where I might not know but better to go and hope to survive than stay and hope someone would rescue me. I dont have faith in anyone taking care of me, but me.
I would not mind paying taxes if I had good roads to drive on, and they got maintained in the winter, and they dont. Or if I had a safe city to drive and work in, and I dont. Or if I saw anything that my tax dollars are making a difference in, and I dont. And I forgot to add, to pay property taxes which 70 % go to the schools and then I get to pay a tax on my income to them also. And property tax for what? So I can live on a chunk of ground that I already paid for with no sewer or water, have to maintain that myself. No Sherriff in the area, may be a 3 hr or more wait. No 911. No road maintenance except on Christmas when its triple time, holes I could fall in and never be found.
Right now the tax dollars pay dearly as the senate and the congress are fighting over the rule of the president. And then they will go on vacation. I think they have other things they could be working on instead of trying to take over the presidents role of commander, and put our boys and girls at risk. Or I should say men and women as they have more courage than I have ever seen.
So while I watch my tax dollars at work, buying groceries at the store, groceries I cant fit in my budget this week.....
Or driving a car, I would never think of owning, or buying necessities, like fingernails, fake hair, or a cell phone for every child in my family, Im still trying to figure out how to pay my school taxes, and why, I have to pay them for a school with a 50% drop out rate. And why I have to pay them when my kids have been out of school for 15yrs. And why my Dad had to pay them when his kids had been out of school for 30 or 40. But the transient who moves frequently with 6 kids, never has to pay a dime. And then watch hem line up at the food bank by the 15th, wanting more....
Yes I feel sorry for them, but lately I feel more sorry for us.