Welfare fraud


Staff member
I agree with Tooner 100%.

AND, I will answer the question: Where has this come from, and why is it allowed?

The answer is now in control of the Hill:

Liberal Democrats.

Let's face it, it's always been them leading the charge for these givaways. People can collect their check, sit home, do nothing, and make more babies. Who grow up not working and committing crime. I bet most of the kids running around shooting people are children of welfare parents.

And now the Democrats are in control.

It will only get worse.


Staff member
"This could get ugly. All moderators go to standby position - Level 2"

Ha! Nice! Can you imagine Cheryl EMailing them? "Red Alert! You are authorized to go to Defcon 2!"


Well-Known Member
The sad part is that welfare is a good idea in that it helps out the folks who hit a bump in the road. Unforunately, it's turned into a way of life. I think that people on welfare should be required to do some kind of work. Weather that work be cleaning trash from the streets, taking care of other welfare people's children while those parents are working, something, anything. I know there are some people who have real challenges and disabilities who may not be able to do that, fine let that be an exception. But we should be giving jobs along with the checks. Also, I think Tooner may have said it before, if not I apologize, but seeing people on welfare buying lottery tickets burns me up too. The only time I ever buy a ticket is when the powerball\megamillions gets to some huge number then I'll kick in a few bucks. I treat it more as an entertainment of dreaming what I could do and get more entertainment value out of it then buying a movie ticket. People who spend the taxpayers money on lottery, cell phones, drugs etc don't need as much money as they are getting and their payment s/b cut back. Before I was married to my wife, she was living on her own working and trying to make ends meet as a young single girl. A "friend" of hers gets knocked up, ends up on welfare. She ended up having a better apartment, big TV, better clothes and more spending money then my wife did. And it was her friend that was complaining that the govt was screwing her and they s/b giving her more. My wife pretty much ended the relationship since she couldn't stand it anymore. Come to find out years later, my wife finds out she's still on welfare with a huge quantity of kids that technically my wife and I and all you folks on the board are supporting. Oh BTW, she still thinks we are screwing her. Ironic isn't it.


Well-Known Member
As far as voting, I don't know the solution but something has to be fixed. First we need to ensure no voter fraud. Second we've got to make it easier to vote, maybe having voting go for 48 straight hours. I know for myself in my town, I end up coming into work later then I want if I vote in the AM, and I never can make it out by the time the polls close. At the least we should have the polls going for 24 hrs in a row to allow people who work to be able to go to the poll at a convenient time. Heck the older generation gets treated pretty good by the politicians since they vote in good numbers. Unfortunately a lot of the people earning livings don't vote in anywhere near the same quantity. Hence we keep getting taxed more and more.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I was raised to respect everyone, until they do not deserve respect.
My posting is not about prejudice, it is about laziness.
It is about every working person in America, paying to care for people who think we OWE them.
It is not about throwing medicaid eligible, or elderly under the bus.
It isnt about Rodney King, and whether or not he deserved a beating.

It is plainly simple. It is about fraud.

Cheat on my tax return, NOPE. Heres what I made, heres what they took, and here is how much more, or how little the govt is going to give me back of my own money.

DFIG, YOU and you alone made this thread about race and prejudice.

If you can pass a drug test, and you need help, this is America, we will be more than happy to help you.
If you cant then there is a reason why you are a non productive part of society, and instead of throwing money at them every month, hoping it will get better or go away, we need to fix it.

So if you want to take this as a personal attack on your people Feel Free, its America. But its not what this is about.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
As far as voting, I don't know the solution but something has to be fixed. First we need to ensure no voter fraud. Second we've got to make it easier to vote, maybe having voting go for 48 straight hours. I know for myself in my town, I end up coming into work later then I want if I vote in the AM, and I never can make it out by the time the polls close. At the least we should have the polls going for 24 hrs in a row to allow people who work to be able to go to the poll at a convenient time. Heck the older generation gets treated pretty good by the politicians since they vote in good numbers. Unfortunately a lot of the people
earning livings don't vote in anywhere near the same quantity. Hence we keep getting taxed more and more.

Good point, with the long hours that people in Package work, it is difficult to get to the Polls on Tuesday from 7AM to 7PM. I wish we would have Elections around the clock on Saturday. You can call your County Election officials where I am at and request an Absentee Ballot and vote by mail, I have done that before. In Georgia, we have had several laws passed to require a photo ID to vote, but these in been thrown out in the courts. Some people don't mind showing their ID to buy tobacco and alcohol, but scream discrimination at Election time.


golden ticket member
I don't find voting to be a problem. I am permanent absentee ballot. I take the time to read about the people & issues and vote at my leisure. The only time constraint is to be sure it's mailed back in time. So much easier.


Well-Known Member
And then they shot the man dead.
You asked tooner so I'll ask you, who is "they" you are referring to? It wouldn't be the white devil now would it? I sure hope not because that would be a racist remark and isn't that exactly what your accusing tooner of being? A racist?

I owe it to my relatives who were murdered with sentiment like this.
LOL, are you serious? So keeping racism alive in '07 is what you feel you owe your relatives? Pulling the ever so popular race card out of your pocket (enough already) is what you owe your relatives? Falsely accusing people of being racist when they post facts is what you owe your relatives? Holding on to this anger and resentment you have towards the whites is what you owe your relatives? Okay, keep it up. Your doing great so far.

Your a silly man with a silly argument. Everything is just black (uh oh, I used the "B" word - guess I'm a racist) and white - or as you like to see it: good vs. evil. O.J. was accused of murder because he was black, right? Bonds is accused of cheating because he's black, right? It just goes on and on. I would love to know why when I go to the hood I see $50K Escalades and Denalis on 26" rims sitting in front of a house that is worth a fraction of mine yet I have a POS Altima on 15's. Oh wait, I already know why - it's the title of this thread.


Agent of Change
Nice thread, Tooner. I saw an article at some point talking about how if the U.S. government was a corporation with shareholders, those shareholders would have lynched the corporation's President, Vice-President and Board of Directors (aka Congress). Great article! I wish I knew where I'd read it :lol:!

And it's not bigotry to express an opinion, sir. I think her suggestion about asking a question of who the President, Vice Prez, etc is a reasonable one. Might make people take an interest in their government. This has been woefully lacking. -Rocky


Staff member
"..if the U.S. government was a corporation with shareholders,.."

No offense, Rocky, but that article is a bunch of BS.
UPS IS a corporation with shareholders, and if any shareholders should lynch their 'President' and 'Congress', it would be ours.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I agree TRASH THIS THREAD. However, if the bigotry continues, I will speak out against it. I owe it to my relatives who were murdered with sentiment like this.

What bigotry are you referring to?? :confused:1

Laziness is not bigotry. :cool:

Your claims to trash this thought provoking thread and call it what it's not lead me to believe that if the slipper fits you might look into getting a pair of work shoes.:wink:

Nice thread Tooner:thumbup1:


Senior Member
I with you agree with you tooner.
Trash is trash.
When I drive and see all the litter on the side of the road I do not see the person that threw it out, but I do see the results of their actions and how it effects the landscape around us all.


Agent of Change
over9five;181143 No offense said:
IS[/I] a corporation with shareholders, and if any shareholders should lynch their 'President' and 'Congress', it would be ours.

Nah, no offense taken, Over9. I'd have to agree that UPS needs a full managerial change, starting at the top. But, that's another discussion. We can have it if you want. My Instant Messenger screenname is under my profile or we can do it over PM.

No, what I was trying to say is that the U.S. federal government (or state government, whichever is responsible) has allowed people to cease taking personal responsibility for their well-being. The "sittin home" checks make me sick, sir. Also, the part I found most amusing about that article was that if the U.S. government was run like a business (such as UPS) the shareholders would have a fit about paying people not working whatever it is the formula says. UPS is something similar to the U.S. government in some ways. I was talking to a steward a few weeks ago and he told me a worker was fired for attendance, got her ****ing job back, was back for about a week and went on paid disability. I personally was appalled. I know, I know disability exists for a reason but still.....this is abuse of the system. Our union should stop fighting these battles but of course, they can't. Give chance after chance to people that have shown zero reason they should be given those chances!!!!!!! GAAAHHHH!! I could go on but I'll stop before I rile too many righteous people's cages. -Rocky


Well-Known Member
I'm also fed up with the amount of tax money being spent on folks who won't work.

What happens when a hard working individual has serious injury or illness and can't pay the bills? No pity from Uncle Sam, that's for sure. They say it's your own fault for not preparing sufficiently for disaster. You can just take a lesser paying job or sell your home to exist.

Then we have the folks whose entire lives have been a disaster and who have never tried or cared to keep a job. Uncle Sam bends over and doles out the goods. Too bad he can't dole out a desire to succeed.

The government tries to create cheat-proof systems and spends lots of money doing it. But the takers have nothing better to do than figure out how to beat the system. Rest of us don't have time for it because... you're right! We're busy working.

Don't want to start trouble but the Katrina thing got me riled up. So much spent to house and re-build those folks. Now I live in tornado country. If a tornado wipes out my home the government isn't going to house me or rebuild this house. I must keep home owner's insurance for such a disaster. What the heck?

Thankfully, hard workers truly enjoy the excercise, feeling of accomplishment and team spirit that employment offers. The pride in earning our own way has great value.

Mabye we should feel a bit sorry for those who lack the ambition and pride to provide for themselves. It takes some of the edge off the anger. dw


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yes I do feel sorry them. Yes Katrina riled me also. Such a terrible tragedy, and of course the only people blamed is the govt. What about the people who had 3 days notice that this was going to be a hurricane of unimaginable consequence? I know I would leave if I had to walk, and to where I might not know but better to go and hope to survive than stay and hope someone would rescue me. I dont have faith in anyone taking care of me, but me.

I would not mind paying taxes if I had good roads to drive on, and they got maintained in the winter, and they dont. Or if I had a safe city to drive and work in, and I dont. Or if I saw anything that my tax dollars are making a difference in, and I dont. And I forgot to add, to pay property taxes which 70 % go to the schools and then I get to pay a tax on my income to them also. And property tax for what? So I can live on a chunk of ground that I already paid for with no sewer or water, have to maintain that myself. No Sherriff in the area, may be a 3 hr or more wait. No 911. No road maintenance except on Christmas when its triple time, holes I could fall in and never be found.
Right now the tax dollars pay dearly as the senate and the congress are fighting over the rule of the president. And then they will go on vacation. I think they have other things they could be working on instead of trying to take over the presidents role of commander, and put our boys and girls at risk. Or I should say men and women as they have more courage than I have ever seen.

So while I watch my tax dollars at work, buying groceries at the store, groceries I cant fit in my budget this week.....
Or driving a car, I would never think of owning, or buying necessities, like fingernails, fake hair, or a cell phone for every child in my family, Im still trying to figure out how to pay my school taxes, and why, I have to pay them for a school with a 50% drop out rate. And why I have to pay them when my kids have been out of school for 15yrs. And why my Dad had to pay them when his kids had been out of school for 30 or 40. But the transient who moves frequently with 6 kids, never has to pay a dime. And then watch hem line up at the food bank by the 15th, wanting more....
Yes I feel sorry for them, but lately I feel more sorry for us.
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Well-Known Member
This topic came to mind when this thread began, but I didn't want a posse coming after me-

But this is just another ramification of the welfare system that we know and love.

I realize that the subject of an Indian Reservation itself could produce threads and posts enough to last a lifetime; we all know the atrocities involved and why reservations came to be.

My first spouse was (is) Native American. He was one of the few to leave his reservation and main stream it in another state with the help of family $, which most of these people don't have, so they're stuck. His mother was the Tribal Chairman for the tribe and did improve living conditions. My daughter wasn't raised on a res, never saw one until she was a teen. She lives there now and works for the tribal govt, writing grants to the U.S. Govt asking for $ for nursing homes, schools, paved roads, etc.

Anyone who's spent time on a reservation doesn't need to be filled in on the substandard living conditions, the lack of employment, etc. And just as those who have addressed this thread on what the heck to do about lifelong attachments to govt assistance, I also wish there was a remedy for this same problem that affects such a large % of these people.


Senior Member
This topic came to mind when this thread began, but I didn't want a posse coming after me-

But this is just another ramification of the welfare system that we know and love.

I realize that the subject of an Indian Reservation itself could produce threads and posts enough to last a lifetime; we all know the atrocities involved and why reservations came to be.

My first spouse was (is) Native American. He was one of the few to leave his reservation and main stream it in another state with the help of family $, which most of these people don't have, so they're stuck. His mother was the Tribal Chairman for the tribe and did improve living conditions. My daughter wasn't raised on a res, never saw one until she was a teen. She lives there now and works for the tribal govt, writing grants to the U.S. Govt asking for $ for nursing homes, schools, paved roads, etc.

Anyone who's spent time on a reservation doesn't need to be filled in on the substandard living conditions, the lack of employment, etc. And just as those who have addressed this thread on what the heck to do about lifelong attachments to govt assistance, I also wish there was a remedy for this same problem that affects such a large % of these people.
You touched a subject that is dear to my heart. I am not native American, nor anyone in my family tree. My father was raised in a catholic Indian orphanage(sp) after his father was murdered in 1913. From his experience I learned the effects of reservation life. It is hard for many people to comprehend that a third world nation resides inside of America. Indians did not recieve the right to vote in AZ till 1953, NM till 1955 or56, Utah until 1958.
Anyone who has traveled outside of the US and seen the poverty that exists outside of our borders probably could not believe that it exists today inside our borders. Many people only hear how Indians are getting rich building casino's, most do not know or seem to care why they have to take this avenue to try and pay for their own survival.
One of the charities I give to every month is a school that educates K thru 12 Lakota chidren from homes that could never provide an education or even the basic structure of a strong family unit.
Sorry if it seems I am hijacking this thread with a negative place to spend some vacation time, but maybe it will inspire some.


Well-Known Member
Good point, with the long hours that people in Package work, it is difficult to get to the Polls on Tuesday from 7AM to 7PM. I wish we would have Elections around the clock on Saturday. You can call your County Election officials where I am at and request an Absentee Ballot and vote by mail, I have done that before. In Georgia, we have had several laws passed to require a photo ID to vote, but these in been thrown out in the courts. Some people don't mind showing their ID to buy tobacco and alcohol, but scream discrimination at Election time.

Polls close here at 9pm and we can opt to take the day off from UPS in our local( im sure its same by you)


Well-Known Member
Remember the welfare to work program? It was in some parts of the country, to ease welfare receipients off welfare. Well, that doesn't exist anymore.
Welfare rules differ by states. Unfortunately, there is no effective accountability or auditing, to ensure the receipients are needy people, down on their luck, and not living a lifestyle at our expense. And some receipients are not even here legally, but take advantage of social services, now that one I don't get. And the drug/alcohol should be mandatory. And the expense for testing, should be taken out of the receipients benefits.