Welfare fraud


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I too can proudly say I was on food stamps once for about two months, My husband left and I had two kids, I was 19, no job and a ninth grade education. So dont tell me I have bias.

What welfare was designed for is not how its being used today, in many, many, many situations.

I work in a town that is rampant with it. And Im not judgemental. I know people lose jobs, I know people get down on their luck. This is not what "this" is. Ill bet when you were down on yours, you scrimped, and did without, to provide. Ill bet your nails looked like mine, and your car was a beater, if you had one, and Ill bet you bought the kids the best you could, and did without.

I dont care what billions are spent where, there is only so much I can control, and I do not like fraud, when I see it I will harass someone to death until they investigate it. And back to the original, if you cant pass a urine test you dont get help would cut it in half, immediately, because then the ones who truly need it would be happy to oblige, since they arent drugging all day long, they are dragging themselves back up, and dont have the time.

The town I work in has a 50% dropout rate, and they quit and join gangs and terrorize the good people in the town, and it all stems from government programs, with no accountability, once they get on the list.

I'll bet you are a better person for having made something of yourself, and you sound damn proud and should be, so it should also P*** you off coz you been there, and it was hard, but you just didnt think everyone else owed you a living. And when they take money out of your check every week, so it rarely can go to someone who really needs help, and goes to a bunch of generations , after generations of govt assisted families, you should be mad, if you are not, God Bless Ya, coz Im Mad.

Especially here in Ohio, we have govt legislating bull**it, constantly. The latest is strippers, Like who really gives a crap? They have to put their clothes on at midnite, and made it a freaking law Why dont those same keystone cops go to the favorite drug dealers corner, find out who they are, see how they survive and if its on welfare whack them.
End of story.