

bella amicizia
I am at the point that if you want the state to pay for your food, you will shop at a set-up like the food pantries run by state in some fashion or form. Your allotment of food shall consist of a balanced diet based on the government's own guidelines. Should you need ho-ho's, ding-a-ling's or Lobster- buy it yourself. If you need toilet paper, work.


golden ticket member

Definition of Irony:

The food stamp program, part of the
Dept. of Agriculture, is pleased to
be distributing the greatest amount of
food stamps ever.

Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part
of the Dept. of Agriculture, asks
us "please do not feed the animals"
because the animals may grow
dependent and not learn to take care of



Strength through joy
Every person who gets an EBT card should be required to listen to every speech that the current flotus has made about proper food consumption.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I agree Upstate. I use them and I certainly dont have to, but I dont have to shop at goodwill either I want to. Just this eve, I got 3 bottles of 81 mg bayer, and 2 bottles of Pantene shampoo and conditioner for 1.61. I saved 18.00. I coupon every time I go to the store. Its not hard, it takes time, but if you are on relief, you have more time than me. Spend 5 bucks on sunday papers instead of lottery, and OMG there is also a classified section with JOBS.
Just yesterday, I was delivering to the local store. The lady at the register, with the most finally manicured 2 inch nails I had ever seen was having a hard time completing her transaction for her purchase, while she was on her i phone. The she switched to her other fancy phone, and finally found her IBT card. She was complaining bacause there was only 24 bucks left on it, and she had to come up with another 10 bucks. She didnt understand how she is suppose to feed her family on what she gets. As I was driving away I watched her load her car, a not new but very nice Grand Prix. I feel for her.
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Strength through joy
Those reports of EBT users buying steaks and lobsters, etc. is easy to explain.
Under the current rules prepared foods are a no-no.
Thus buying uncooked foods is their only option.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Those reports of EBT users buying steaks and lobsters, etc. is easy to explain.
Under the current rules prepared foods are a no-no.
Thus buying uncooked foods is their only option.
Well when I grew up my Mom made us meatloaf with cornflakes, and so sparse of meat I wasnt sure whether to use milk, or ketchup. Sugar or salt. :panicsmiley:I never had a steak til I was 16. I never had lobster til I was in my late 20s. We never had a phone and when I got one, I thought I was high on the hog. And a color TV, I had arrived. My parents were poor, but they didnt get "relief" as it was called then. They were just poor.
And worked and raised 5 kids. Imagine that.


golden ticket member
Exactly when did self-sufficiency and hard work became bad traits?

Via Daily Caller:
One in seven Americans are on food stamps, but the government is pushing to enroll more — in many instances working to overcome Americans’ “pride,” self-reliance or failure to see a need.

“Our common goal is to increase participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,” the United States Department of Agriculture explains on its “Outreach Toolkits” page. “Our purpose is to ensure that those going through difficult times can feed their families healthy, nutritious food. By working as a team, we can accomplish these goals.”

The USDA has adopted a range of strategies and programs designed to bring more people to SNAP, including taking on “pride.” A 2011 Hunger Champions Award document reveals that local assistance offices have been rewarded for “counteracting” pride and pushing more people to sign up for benefits.

The Ashe County Department of Social Services in Jefferson, N.C., for example, received a “Gold” award for confronting “mountain pride” and increasing food stamp participation by 10 percent.