

Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Think Tank Report Says Poor Americans Have It Too Good | The Poverty Line, What Matters Today | BillMoyers.com

They also acknowledge the central flaw in their conclusion: in real life the “typical” family in their study doesn’t come close to receiving the maximum benefit from every single program for
which they’re eligible. But here the authors’ caveat doesn’t go far enough. Due largely to the fact that eligibility requirements have already become harder to overcome, these programs are helping fewer poor families get by. In 2009, around three out of four poor families with kids weren’t getting any TANF benefits. At the height of the economic crash, about 25 percent of those eligible for food stamps weren’t receiving them; during better times, that number hovers around 40 percent. And as the CATO study concedes, six out of seven poor families aren’t getting housing assistance.

So a study that claims to tell us about the “typical” poor family is really describing a rarity — the equivalent of a four-leaf clover. But the purpose of these studies isn’t to inform good policymaking. They feed a narrative that the poor are lazy and undeserving, and provide wonky cover for further weakening our social safety net. When studies like this one are picked up by the conservative media, all of the authors’ caveats tend to be stripped away, and they become straightforward claims that poor families sit back enjoying a good life, forcing overburdened tax-payers to pick up the tab.


Strength through joy
Your single mom with kids collecting welfare also gets a yearly clothing allowance , one just can't have their kids wearing second hand clothes .


Inordinately Right


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Your single mom with kids collecting welfare also gets a yearly clothing allowance , one just can't have their kids wearing second hand clothes .
The $150/yr is included in the figures I provided. Some Charter Schools require new uniforms every year, but already knew that.


Well-Known Member
This is the county I work in, I deal with these people all the time. They drive luxury cars and have a big-screen TV though!

I am sure there are people who are really in need, but the sense of entitlement by some of those in the video just kills me.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many of these people would still be “poor” in a year if you gave them $250,000 in cash right now.

Similar to what happened with all the “poor” people in New Orleans.

There’s just as much poverty, crime, drugs, murder, etc. there now as there was before each person was given a pile of cash.

Homes that were build new 6 years ago already look like the derelict rubble that was washed away by Katrina.


golden ticket member
Just like the CalFresh ad on TV......CalFresh is what they call the food stamps here. The TV ad shows the shopper never leaving the produce dept. It shows nothing but healthy green stuff and fruits.

Now you know damn well CalFresh also buys Doritos, potato chips, candy, kool aid, soda,jerky, cookies, sugary cereals, ice cream etc. etc.......who are they trying to fool? At least be honest about it on the ad. I see what they buy in this area and sometimes they never even enter the produce section.
I like sweets and treats too .......

We see enough lies on TV......
Here's the ad.....ours is in English........



Inordinately Right
I wouldn't be surprised if this receipt was from someone who bought a SNAP/EBT card off of someone. Selling your "food stamp" money is way more common than most people want to admit. Or maybe the person intends on selling all that lobster for cash. I guarantee the actual assistance recipient is not sitting around eating porterhouse steak, lobster, and drinking mountain dew.

SNAP/EBT cards are a far cry from food stamps for bread, butter and milk. The whole system needs to be overhauled no doubt about that.