

Inordinately Right
So I got curious. Turns out this was bought by a 33 year old white guy.... he was arrested for welfare fraud.

"Authorities say Cuff admitted to selling items purchased with food stamps on three occasions. FOX 11 spoke to Cuff at his home, who declined comment. If convicted, he faces up to a five year prison sentence. Nast says they are still considering charges for the three or four people they believe bought the food from Cuff." source

Giving a debit card for food assistance is basically setting the system up for fraud.


Strength through joy
Recently in Mass. the court came down hard on a store owner who stole $700,000 from false EBT charges .
He got a 2 year sentence ( with good behavior he could be out in 16 months ) & a fine of $400,000 .
Not bad a 2 yr vacation with free room & board , plus getting to keep $300,000 .
That's what it is to live in a totally democrat controlled state .


Inordinately Right
Recently in Mass. the court came down hard on a store owner who stole $700,000 from false EBT charges .
He got a 2 year sentence ( with good behavior he could be out in 16 months ) & a fine of $400,000 .
Not bad a 2 yr vacation with free room & board , plus getting to keep $300,000 .
That's what it is to live in a totally democrat controlled state .
The prison terms for white collar crimes are pathetically short. Fraud, embezzlement etc. are often committed by rich people, that's why his prison time is so short.

When it comes to the money, I don't think he gets to "keep" $300,000. I think the $700,000 was the total of SNAP money spent illegally, so he let people buy cigarettes or exchange their food stamp money for cash. The $700,000 would have been used by the people either way, the fraud is that they weren't spending it on food.

What you should be complaining about is that the state isn't going after the people who bought the cigarettes or exchanged the food stamps for cash. Those people get no punishment, and are still getting SNAP money even though they are just as guilty of fraud as the store owner.


Well-Known Member
Republicans better learn, the days of playing both sides of the street and getting away with it are coming to an end. Welfare regardless of it's form is still welfare. If someone is a leech for taking one form of welfare, then the same rules apply to any and all who do the same no matter the form or alleged economic benefit. Regardless of the source or motive, I applaud anyone exposing hypocrisy in gov't.

If gov't won't become transparent, let's shove it down their throats the hard way and I hope too choke them to death.

Rep. Huelskamp, Whose Family Takes Government Farm Subsidies, Mocks Food Stamp Recipients - See more at: Rep. Huelskamp, Whose Family Takes Government Farm Subsidies, Mocks Food Stamp Recipients | Right Wing Watch


golden ticket member
This is why you never name anything after someone who's still alive !!!

How fitting.

Via Breitbart:
After Obama’s election in 2009 a small grocery store/convenience store in Florida changed its name to the Obama Express. Several other stores across the country did the same thing. One of those was a location in Baltimore, Maryland. Now, in 2013, the Maryland outlet is under investigation, accused of illegally trafficking in food stamps.

On September 17, WBAL reported that nine retailers in Baltimore County had been arrested for illegally redeeming food stamps for cash and kicking back a portion to food stamp recipients. The retailers did not sell them any merchandise or food.

One of those indicted was one Abdullah Aljaradi who allegedly obtained $2 million in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) cash from Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards.


Well-Known Member
No able bodied person should be allowed to sit at home and collect any type of assistance.

Schools insist they need more money --want to raise taxes ----why can't out of work people collecting benefits ---do work in schools --hall moniters, school guards , administrative work etc etc.

Government agencies that claim their people are overworked ---eliminate over time --people collecting benefits can "earn " them --better for the taxpayer as well as for the person ----Time to wake up ---there are thousands if not millions of people being pulled by the wagon while the rest of us work and do the pulling ---every able bodied person should "contribute" to the general good.

I have absolutely no problem for a social "safety net" for those that absolutely need it --all of us know at least one person or family abusing the system --correction --our system.

Sure lets now hear from all the bleeding hearts about all the great people that cannot find jobs ---and also can not do "benefit work" in government schools ,hospitals and offices around the country !!

Of course unions --like the Teacher's associations would never allow it !!:sad-little:


Well-Known Member
No able bodied person should be allowed to sit at home and collect any type of assistance.

Schools insist they need more money --want to raise taxes ----why can't out of work people collecting benefits ---do work in schools --hall moniters, school guards , administrative work etc etc.

Government agencies that claim their people are overworked ---eliminate over time --people collecting benefits can "earn " them --better for the taxpayer as well as for the person ----Time to wake up ---there are thousands if not millions of people being pulled by the wagon while the rest of us work and do the pulling ---every able bodied person should "contribute" to the general good.

I have absolutely no problem for a social "safety net" for those that absolutely need it --all of us know at least one person or family abusing the system --correction --our system.

Sure lets now hear from all the bleeding hearts about all the great people that cannot find jobs ---and also can not do "benefit work" in government schools ,hospitals and offices around the country !!

Of course unions --like the Teacher's associations would never allow it !!:sad-little:

True Island but go the next step.


Inordinately Right
Of course unions --like the Teacher's associations would never allow it !!:sad-little:
Most teachers unions have no power at all.... republicans have made sure of that. The result is millions of teachers that are teaching to the test because if their students don't show gains they are at risk of losing their jobs.

Imagine 60% of your work evaluations are based on a kid bubbling in a Christmas tree on a scantron sheet. The other 40% is based on how much you kiss your principal's arse in the weeks leading up to the 40 minutes she spends sitting in the back of your classroom playing with her Ipad "evaluating" your teaching skills. This is the system unions were trying to fight against, while republican politicians were busy taking collective bargaining rights away from people who actually work for a living.


Inordinately Right
Looks like Walmart really screwed up big time. Hopefully Walmart will have to pay back anything spent over $50 per person.

A spokeswoman for Xerox, Jennifer Wasmer, said, "If there is an EBT system outage, there is an agreed and documented process for retailers to follow. The process includes a 'per cardholder, per day' spending limit that is set at a state level."

In Louisiana, the limit is $50 per cardholder per day, she said.


nowhere special
Looks like Walmart really screwed up big time. Hopefully Walmart will have to pay back anything spent over $50 per person.

A spokeswoman for Xerox, Jennifer Wasmer, said, "If there is an EBT system outage, there is an agreed and documented process for retailers to follow. The process includes a 'per cardholder, per day' spending limit that is set at a state level."

In Louisiana, the limit is $50 per cardholder per day, she said.

It wasn't Walmart. The EBT system broke and removed card limits. So those people spent hundreds more then they should have been allowed to. By rights there should be a deficit on their card balances until it catches up but people will complain they have no food next month (after wasting several months money at once). So taxpayers will be paying for the governments mistake and people abusing the system to basically steal knowing they would never have to pay for that food.


Inordinately Right
It wasn't Walmart. The EBT system broke and removed card limits. So those people spent hundreds more then they should have been allowed to. By rights there should be a deficit on their card balances until it catches up but people will complain they have no food next month (after wasting several months money at once). So taxpayers will be paying for the governments mistake and people abusing the system to basically steal knowing they would never have to pay for that food.
The article said that all other stores stopped accepting EBT.
Unlike Walmart, other grocery stores in town told customers they would not accept EBT cards until the card limits were evident again, Hobbs said.

Walmart chose to keep accepting it even though the system was broken...... they were supposed to only let each person spend $50 dollars.
When he arrived, Lynd told the Walmart staff that they had the right to refuse service if they chose to, but Walmart's corporate office advised the store to allow customers to purchase what they wanted with the cards.

Obviously the people were in the wrong, but we both know what kind of world we live in, of course people are gonna take advantage of it.
Okay so let's deduct the amounts spent from the people's next months allowance, then let's charge walmart for the cost of doing that..... the man hours and paperwork spent doing all of that should be billed to Wally world.


Strength through joy
I visited two stores on Sat; a grocery & a dept store .
There were no crowds and in both stores , there were no lines at checkout .
Maybe every Sat there should be a EBT non-use day .