

Well-Known Member
I already told you....it's more than a family of 4 could use.........a lot of waste.
No, after 40-45 years I don't remember the amount....shoot I barely remember what I had for lunch 2 days ago.
In other words, you have no clue as to the actual amount people on public assistance get (today, not 45 years ago)on average that pays more than a job.


golden ticket member
In other words, you have no clue as to the actual amount people on public assistance get (today, not 45 years ago)on average that pays more than a job.
I can only relate MY experience...........not just hearsay. Besides, everybody I know presently has a job or is retired and they all take care of themselves......


Well-Known Member
I can only relate MY experience...........not just hearsay. Besides, everybody I know presently has a job or is retired and they all take care of themselves......
Your comments of people receiving assistance today are pretty judgemental for someone who doesn't have the facts.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Now, I'm not a high school math whiz, but moreluck is about 65-67 YO, and she says she received 'public assistance', or welfare about 40-45 years ago, so she was about 22-27 YO at the time. Her loving husband who was not fired from UPS and didn't work at that cushy supervisor job is younger by a couple of years, just turning 65, so he was 20-25 YO. Likely able bodied, for sure, and I'm just assuming, a white male.

40 to 45 years ago means that most likely Nixon was the POTUS, Republican, just for reference. This is what he did:
August 15, 1971: A Date Which Has Lived In Infamy - Forbes

tl;dr: When Nixon’s policy became clear to the Fed Chairman, Arthur Burns, that August week, Burns exclaimed, “What a tragedy for mankind!”

So maybe poor moreluck, her kids and her husband really needed welfare at the time, after all, they deserved it. Maybe 20 years later (another Republican in charge), her daughter needed it again, but she deserved it.

So moreluck bought all she could with her food stamps, more than she needed, maybe she donated her extras, maybe she bought cigarettes with her extra money, no matter, she deserved it.

What I don't understand, is how she can still support Republican policy, and can't understand that an able bodied couple, working hard, full time, at a minimum wage job, still qualifies for government assistance. I can't understand why she thinks that a child should go hungry and be expected to achieve at a school that is underfunded. Maybe they deserve it.


golden ticket member
Now, I'm not a high school math whiz, but moreluck is about 65-67 YO, and she says she received 'public assistance', or welfare about 40-45 years ago, so she was about 22-27 YO at the time. Her loving husband who was not fired from UPS and didn't work at that cushy supervisor job is younger by a couple of years, just turning 65, so he was 20-25 YO. Likely able bodied, for sure, and I'm just assuming, a white male.

40 to 45 years ago means that most likely Nixon was the POTUS, Republican, just for reference. This is what he did:
August 15, 1971: A Date Which Has Lived In Infamy - Forbes

tl;dr: When Nixon’s policy became clear to the Fed Chairman, Arthur Burns, that August week, Burns exclaimed, “What a tragedy for mankind!”

So maybe poor moreluck, her kids and her husband really needed welfare at the time, after all, they deserved it. Maybe 20 years later (another Republican in charge), her daughter needed it again, but she deserved it.

So moreluck bought all she could with her food stamps, more than she needed, maybe she donated her extras, maybe she bought cigarettes with her extra money, no matter, she deserved it.

What I don't understand, is how she can still support Republican policy, and can't understand that an able bodied couple, working hard, full time, at a minimum wage job, still qualifies for government assistance. I can't understand why she thinks that a child should go hungry and be expected to achieve at a school that is underfunded. Maybe they deserve it.

Oh cry me a river. With your 'kumbaya' attitude, there is no fraud in the welfare system and all recipients are extremely worthy. Isn't it nice that you go through life singing la, la, la !!
Look out for that other shoe!

Get your facts straight.......it was just food stamps (can't purchase cigs.) for a short period of time until' another job was found(Goodyear store in mall-salesman). We were given too much, so waste existed then.....my thoughts are that it has blown up and the waste in the food stamp program continues today, only worse.
Once UPS was in the picture, our financial lives stabilized. By the way, it's div. mgr. ......supervisor was one of the rungs on that ladder.


Well-Known Member
Oh cry me a river. With your 'kumbaya' attitude, there is no fraud in the welfare system and all recipients are extremely worthy. Isn't it nice that you go through life singing la, la, la !!
Look out for that other shoe!

Get your facts straight.......it was just food stamps (can't purchase cigs.) for a short period of time until' another job was found(Goodyear store in mall-salesman). We were given too much, so waste existed then.....my thoughts are that it has blown up and the waste in the food stamp program continues today, only worse.
Once UPS was in the picture, our financial lives stabilized. By the way, it's div. mgr. ......supervisor was one of the rungs on that ladder.

Again, you have no facts to back your argument. Just the same prejudicial conjecture that plays on Fox News 24/7.


golden ticket member
Again, you have no facts to back your argument. Just the same prejudicial conjecture that plays on Fox News 24/7.
I have no time to post all the facts but, you can do a Yahoo search (I never google) and enter "fraud in the welfare programs". There are too many to post. Plenty of facts. You have to be naïve to think there isn't.


Well-Known Member
I have no time to post all the facts but, you can do a Yahoo search (I never google) and enter "fraud in the welfare programs". There are too many to post. Plenty of facts. You have to be naïve to think there isn't.
You sure do post a lot on this site for someone who has no time to post facts.


The Nim
Hmm, facts.

Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers | CNS News

There were 108,592,000 people in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2011 who were recipients of one or more means-tested government benefit programs, the Census Bureau said in data released this week.

People need help at times, I'm not going to argue that, but there are more people receiving government benefits than the amount of people that were said to be without healthcare. Shouldn't helping get these people on their feet and into jobs where they could afford healthcare be a higher priority than changing the healthcare system so that healthcare costs go up for many?


golden ticket member
You sure do post a lot on this site for someone who has no time to post facts.
Comments can be posted quickly, but links to hundreds of sites take longer. My time is managed by ME....and God. No one else has any say in it.
You're lucky, it's chemo day and I'll be foggy for the next few days. My posts numbers may even reduce. Have a nice weekend.


golden ticket member
[h=1]How Many Illegal Immigrants Are on Welfare?[/h]
[h=2]Answer[/h]It is estimated that almost twenty million illegal and undocumented immigrants are residing in the United States as of 2013. Studies suggest that almost three-fourths of those who are in the United States illegally are receiving benefits, including welfare. Many illegal immigrants are able to legally collect social benefits because they have children who were born in the US. As of 2012, over half of the illegal immigrants in the US are from the country of Mexico. Reference: mediamatters.org


Well-Known Member
[h=1]How Many Illegal Immigrants Are on Welfare?[/h]
[h=2]Answer[/h]It is estimated that almost twenty million illegal and undocumented immigrants are residing in the United States as of 2013. Studies suggest that almost three-fourths of those who are in the United States illegally are receiving benefits, including welfare. Many illegal immigrants are able to legally collect social benefits because they have children who were born in the US. As of 2012, over half of the illegal immigrants in the US are from the country of Mexico. Reference: mediamatters.org
You really need to read the website you just posted.


Well-Known Member
Please stop all these stupid arguments --illegals . lazies and wagon sitters are ENTITLED to leech off us !!!

The name for this thread is so old fashioned --as Hillary has told us --lets continue to be progressive !!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Hmm, facts.

Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers | CNS News

People need help at times, I'm not going to argue that, but there are more people receiving government benefits than the amount of people that were said to be without healthcare. Shouldn't helping get these people on their feet and into jobs where they could afford healthcare be a higher priority than changing the healthcare system so that healthcare costs go up for many?


That would be called common sense. We are subject to dopey Politicians with NO sense.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Hmm, facts.

Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers | CNS News

People need help at times, I'm not going to argue that, but there are more people receiving government benefits than the amount of people that were said to be without healthcare. Shouldn't helping get these people on their feet and into jobs where they could afford healthcare be a higher priority than changing the healthcare system so that healthcare costs go up for many?
Raising the minimum wage would rectify that.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Looking more closely at Nimnim's erroneous story:
Fox's 108.6 million figure for the number of "people on welfare" comes from a Census Bureau's account (Table 2) of participation in means-tested programs, which include "anyone residing in a household in which one or more people received benefits" in the fourth quarter of 2011, thus including individuals who did not themselves receive government benefits. On the other hand, the "people with a full time job" figure Fox used included only individuals who worked, not individuals residing in a household where at least one person works.