Well, Well, Well

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads

Look bro I get it I do. America's history is tainted with slavery. It's a travesty. The way the American government enslaved a whole race. I'd be pretty personally pissed off if it was my race too.

What I absolutely do not get and cant wrap my head around is why you are listening to the same government that was guilty of all of this.

Joe biden literally said you weren't black if you didnt vote for him. Kamala Harris kept black prison inmates in her prison for longer than what they were supposed to serve so she could get free prison labor.

Dude I get it you don't like trump. Sure the guy was a lot of bad things, but you bought biden and harris instead? You cant see that they're just as bad for you?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
See the problem with you is that you are jealous of Christians cutting themselves out the policy when in reality you should be with us in telling everyone the government doesnt have the authority to have such policy.

You "Don't have to follow public health laws" either. You are not a slave. You are not my slave. You are not THEIR slave. Stop acting like they have power over you.
That’s not how a functioning society works. We don’t get to pick and choose the laws we’d like to follow. Our courts shouldn’t give religious groups the ability to cry persecution to avoid following the law either.


Well-Known Member
The best you can say for donald is that he was so massively stupid and incompetent that he hired a man acting on behalf of a Russian Intelligence agent to run his campaign.


Inordinately Right
That’s not how a functioning society works. We don’t get to pick and choose the laws we’d like to follow. Our courts shouldn’t give religious groups the ability to cry persecution to avoid following the law either.
Are you talking about the supreme court ruling that said the government can't give covid mandate exemptions to casinos but not churches?

You're twisting the facts as usual little lady.


Well-Known Member
That’s not how a functioning society works. We don’t get to pick and choose the laws we’d like to follow. Our courts shouldn’t give religious groups the ability to cry persecution to avoid following the law either.
After churches were allowed to resume services my dad's congregation went from meeting three times a week to once a week. Six feet of separation and masks worn. So how is allowing that giving them special consideration? Churches were singled out unfairly at the start of the virus and like any special interest group in this country they stood up for their rights. And while we're at it governors issuing edicts isn't the same as Constitutional rights either.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Same to you ... not everything is about dip:poop: rights!
For losers spending Friday evening posting in Current Events.
moe. At The Caverns!


Well-Known Member
That’s not how a functioning society works. We don’t get to pick and choose the laws we’d like to follow. Our courts shouldn’t give religious groups the ability to cry persecution to avoid following the law either.
Stay out of a field you can't drop a plow in.

Can a District Attorney or Attorney General Of the United States decide which laws, when violated, they will prosecute?

Different side of your "society functioning" coin.