What are you listening to? Part 6


Well-Known Member
No , I was only 5 when he retired , but I grew up a Celtics fan and learned all about him from my uncle
I didn't see him much, only clips and film reels, it was a different day. I liked Chamberlain.

I was a Florida boy, grew up there, Yankee fan because of my Granpap. I saw Mantle play once in the flesh on my birthday.
Cleveland Ohio, before we moved there, he got 2 hits, groundballs through the infield.

I said all that to say, I understand why you never saw him. I wish you did, you'rer the kinda guy that deserved it.

If you wanna know why the BoSox never won, blame it on Russell and the Celtic's.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
I didn't see him much, only clips and film reels, it was a different day. I liked Chamberlain.

I was a Florida boy, grew up there, Yankee fan because of my Granpap. I saw Mantle play once in the flesh on my birthday.
Cleveland Ohio, before we moved there, he got 2 hits, groundballs through the infield.

I said all that to say, I understand why you never saw him. I wish you did, you'rer the kinda guy that deserved it.

If you wanna know why the BoSox never won, blame it on Russell and the Celtic's.
The earliest big star I saw play and remember as a kid was Yaz , my first game I went to I was 5 in 1969 , then Bobby Orr as well , my uncle was single and took me to lots of games and taught me a lot of sports and the legacy of these guys !
My dad grew up in Buffalo and was a big Cleveland Browns fan , i Learned a lot about the Paul Brown days from him , he eventually became a Sox fan , was never a Pats fan though