What are you listening to? Part 6


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
When I hear Seals and Croft or the Isley Brothers’ version of that song and I’m feeling stressed, it really helps me come down and relax. Hearing the first few notes of this song through the end have the opposite effect on me. I don’t know what it is. It’s strange how men are more into heavy metal than women. Maybe it taps into different parts of our brains?
Aw hell. Type O Negative easily tops out as one of my favorite bands. Perfect for chilling outside on a cloudy, late Friday afternoon in September or October after a long work week and relaxing while watching storm clouds roll in and the wind kicking up the leaves.



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I soon realized when I began dating, that if I was going to make a good impression on her, I must at least get her to believe I liked those songs you are talking about. If she believed me, (I was good at it) I maintained my reputation as a "sweet guy."
Looking back, it really helped me score a lot. Sometimes I feel guilty when I hear those songs now.

Boys do two things. Lie and pee on bushes.
Nah. No pretending here.

