What are you listening to? Part 6


Well-Known Member
All good friend, music is in the ear of the beholder, everyone likes a little something different than the next.
Gotta apologize for the tampon comment. I was my regular smartass. That said, the room wasn't blocked, you were free to post to your hearts delight. And @Eat Sleep Fish and myself may have posted or at the least enjoyed what you posted. Where are you now FUKstick?


Well-Known Member
Amazing five or more hours later and @MyTripisCut hasn't posted a damn thing. Understand this :censored2:, everyone is not your wife, and doesn't bow to you, got that? I know what :censored2: looks like before I step in it, it just took a different face,.... you buddy. Play some music dick head, you've only had 5 hours. @Eat Sleep Fish, was fun guy, I'll ask @MyTripisCut permission in the fut ure. Forget You trip boy, got that?

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Amazing five or more hours later and @MyTripisCut hasn't posted a damn thing. Understand this :censored2:, everyone is not your wife, and doesn't bow to you, got that? I know what :censored2: looks like before I step in it, it just took a different face,.... you buddy. Play some music dick head, you've only had 5 hours. @Eat Sleep Fish, was fun guy, I'll ask @MyTripisCut permission in the fut ure. Forget You trip boy, got that?
Keep checking in here. My music library goes forever.


Never bought my own handtruck
I got a box of tampons, we'll get the flow plugged,

Gotta apologize for the tampon comment. I was my regular smartass. That said, the room wasn't blocked, you were free to post to your hearts delight. And @Eat Sleep Fish and myself may have posted or at the least enjoyed what you posted. Where are you now FUKstick?

Amazing five or more hours later and @MyTripisCut hasn't posted a damn thing. Understand this :censored2:, everyone is not your wife, and doesn't bow to you, got that? I know what :censored2: looks like before I step in it, it just took a different face,.... you buddy. Play some music dick head, you've only had 5 hours. @Eat Sleep Fish, was fun guy, I'll ask @MyTripisCut permission in the fut ure. Forget You trip boy, got that?

I will, thank you. I'm in a piss off mode now. I'm glad the guy had his foreskin cut.

Thanks, I'll check your music when you post it.

Here’s one that seems to fit you. Now while you listen, go search for a new avatar. Can’t have two Mantles. I told you before Barney, beat it!



Well-Known Member
Here’s one that seems to fit you. Now while you listen, go search for a new avatar. Can’t have two Mantles. I told you before Barney, beat it!

10 hours later, go :censored2: yourself. I was a Yankee fan and Mantle was my idol before your first yellow mustard squirt. You're correct, there is one Mantle. :censored2: you.. understood? Later MYforeskiniscut Go hit your wife if your pissed, you don't mean sht to me. I'll try to be clearer if you don't under stand that. Just tell me.


Never bought my own handtruck
10 hours later, go :censored2: yourself. I was a Yankee fan and Mantle was my idol before your first yellow mustard squirt. You're correct, there is one Mantle. :censored2: you.. understood? Later MYforeskiniscut Go hit your wife if your :censored2:, you don't mean sht to me. I'll try to be clearer if you don't under stand that. Just tell me.
Barney, Ive told you before, don’t talk about my wife. Now be a good hillbilly and get on the inter webs and change that avatar.