What Contract…


Well-Known Member
I would not have had any hours for a sixth day most every week since Mid October when we get our Permanent Fund Dividend. That always jump starts peak season for us here in The Last Frontier!


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Only Saturdays I worked were two in Dec we all worked because of having been shut down one weekday each week due to weather. We had excavator dig out our driveway snow was blown six feet high against garage door.

We had lot of long nights but no six day weeks. (We don’t normally have any service here Saturday.)


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Let’s just say that I can state from personal experience that you cannot see Russia from Sarah Palin’s backyard.

But there is a nice lake.
What’s a gallon of milk cost?
I always look at YouTube Alaska shopping videos and prices ridiculous

$60 for a watermelon


Well-Known Member
Grievance for what?


Well-Known Member
What’s a gallon of milk cost?
I always look at YouTube Alaska shopping videos and prices ridiculous

$60 for a watermelon
Milk in the high $4s a gallon here but it’s big spread between prices on the road system and prices in the bush.

in Barrow can pay like $20 for a damn frozen pizza!


Well-Known Member

::crickets chirping::

If you read the contract, it doesn’t say there will be “no”subcontracting it just Has to be covered in the contract. The company is calling PVDs “seasonals drivers” and that is covered. Clearly they’re using vague language. I don’t see any provision for these pick ups to be made by someone else.


Well-Known Member
If you read the contract, it doesn’t say there will be “no”subcontracting it just Has to be covered in the contract. The company is calling PVDs “seasonals drivers” and that is covered. Clearly they’re using vague language. I don’t see any provision for these pick ups to be made by someone else.
And that language and pvd use has been grieved and to arbitration and ups was told go back to table and negotiate. I believe with new contract coming both sides just kicked the can for peak 2022.

Frankly I can see using Pvds at peak but there need to be contracted limits to use (I.e resi only, no pickups, no hazmat, no irregs) and minimum safety and training standards that today are not being met.

Unmarked vehicles , ununiformed drivers going into rural properties late in evening is a good way to get shot at.