What Contract…


Well-Known Member
And that language and pvd use has been grieved and to arbitration and ups was told go back to table and negotiate. I believe with new contract coming both sides just kicked the can for peak 2022.

Frankly I can see using Pvds at peak but there need to be contracted limits to use (I.e resi only, no pickups, no hazmat, no irregs) and minimum safety and training standards that today are not being met.

Unmarked vehicles , ununiformed drivers going into rural properties late in evening is a good way to get shot at.
Absolutely O’Brien already said he does not want to arbitrator anymore. He would rather negotiate in the contract with it.


Well-Known Member
This might be a tricky one, does this have anything to do with ups though? What if I paid my neighbor $5 to run my return package to the center or an ups store? Not sure they can control who brings returns to the various customer locations.
It’s not tricky . We have on call pickups . They send them to us all day. The customers pays ups and we do it . They send me an on call that’s 10 min out of my way I just made money . It’s a blatant contract issue


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Cust already has label by time they set up doordash
Yea, but if UPS lost in court they could easily change things up so third party involvement is completely outside. All they would need is some legal mumbo-jumbo saying that they have no part with the return getting to the UPS pickup. You provide the pickup location for them to choose other than their residence.

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.
Your package cars have 4x4?

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
If you read the contract, it doesn’t say there will be “no”subcontracting it just Has to be covered in the contract. The company is calling PVDs “seasonals drivers” and that is covered. Clearly they’re using vague language. I don’t see any provision for these pick ups to be made by someone else.

Strict constructionists:


Broad constructionists:

UPS and there suits loves making pottery masterpieces with words!