The short answer to the initial question is "the same exact rights as full-time employees".
The agreement is reworked each time with the driver in mind and never the part-timer or twilight shift workers, et al.
The agreement is reworked to get improvements where possible for the members who demand improvements. Enough part timers don't show interest in any great numbers.
Fairness rights should apply to all employees . The sad truth of the matter is that part-timers are harassed, humiliated, and abused by management every single day long before the drivers show up. Early AM workers are the most disciplined people you will meet (most of them), getting up long before the sun rises, driving to work in the dark to basically what is a hell-hole knowing they will be abused the very minute they walk in the door and the Start buzzer rings. Since nobody else is up at that time of morning, not even auditors or OSHA, UPS beats these guys up pretty bad and at the same time threatens to fire them, putting constant fear into even the most loyal and efficient veteran workers.
Right, drivers usually don't show up many hours before their shifts. All UPS pt's get harassed because they're working right in front of the worlds best harassers. Drivers only feel that heat for a small piece of their day.
More rules in the Master Agreement need to call out part-timers as well and not overly use the keywords "driver" or "service provider" as if they are the only employee who matters or might have a true grievance with the company. Face it, part-timers are abused, forgotten, and considered a lesser form of employee when in fact they are just as valuable as any other, so long as they come to work on time and do their best.
Haven't seen the words "service provider" in the contract but do see where most articles refer to employees, not drivers.
Another thing... missing hours, incorrect pay codes, and time-shaving has GOT to stop. Everybody knows what's up and they are talking about it, so if you are in management and think nobody knows what you're doing, you're wrong. It's a matter of time before the bubble bursts. Quit stealing hard earned money from these workers to make budget. This is illegal! A worker MUST be compensated for each minute he is on the clock or working for the company, period! Shady activity can be seen in this area right before raises twice a year and during peak when a lot of new hires are completely confused and mislead.
How to *quickly* resolve issues involving missing hours or money should be etched in stone in this agreement.
It already is in the contract, Article 17 National Master and most likely in your regional supplement or rider.
There is some effort you must expend to get things done, like bring these issues up with your steward. I've resolved many pay issues either within 2 days or on the next pay check.