what do part timers want in 2013


Well-Known Member
The common sense you speak of is your reality and experiences. Others have more well-rounded view of reality.

For ex:

How would you feel if you were a 22.3 employee with 12 years PT, 6 years FT- and another FT employee of 10 years PT, 7 years full-time, and bumping you? When the job that the person with more FT/less PT originally obtained, was not posted for bid in your building (different UPS region, but same local union and annual bids mesh together) ?

That's the awful side-deal between union and UPS that changed my mind from your "common sense perspective" and maybe something you are neglecting to see.

The FT over PT deal is enforced across-the-board, so to speak, and not enforced selectively to your taste, basically. :)
O.k. daddy, I understand now. I will agree with you. I am not entitled to an opinion. It's a shame that part-timers are not allowed to even state what they want in the "What do part-timers want in 2013" thread. I will ask for whatever I am told to ask for by the full-timers in this thread, as you would wish. I never thought Brown Cafe would come to this. Now my thoughts and opinions are being controlled by someone who should not have an opinion in the matter. So, why don't you start a "What do full-timers want in 2013" thread and I'll come over and tell you why you are wrong in what you want and what is appropriate or not to ask for?


O.k. daddy, I understand now. I will agree with you. I am not entitled to an opinion. It's a shame that part-timers are not allowed to even state what they want in the "What do part-timers want in 2013" thread. I will ask for whatever I am told to ask for by the full-timers in this thread, as you would wish. I never thought Brown Cafe would come to this. Now my thoughts and opinions are being controlled by someone who should not have an opinion in the matter. So, why don't you start a "What do full-timers want in 2013" thread and I'll come over and tell you why you are wrong in what you want and what is appropriate or not to ask for?
Bit emotional today?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Getting back on point.How about: A catch up raise like 2 contracts ago, and increase in pension credit for past and future years (Stewie's favorite), same benefits with no employee contribution, and yearly raises that are not split.
PS and pizza every other Friday !


Well-Known Member
Getting back on point.How about: A catch up raise like 2 contracts ago, and increase in pension credit for past and future years (Stewie's favorite), same benefits with no employee contribution, and yearly raises that are not split.
PS and pizza every other Friday !
That's a good start!


I have nearly 20 years part time seniority but cant go full time driving because of a disability.I could work a full time inside job though.What really bothers me is that any full time driver with less seniority would get that inside full time job before me just because he is full time.My 20 year company time means squat.I think company seniority should prevail.Also I pay nearly as much union dues as a full timer but work less then half the hours.Believe me if I had the chance I would have been full time years ago.


I have nearly 20 years part time seniority but cant go full time driving because of a disability.I could work a full time inside job though.What really bothers me is that any full time driver with less seniority would get that inside full time job before me just because he is full time.My 20 year company time means squat.I think company seniority should prevail.Also I pay nearly as much union dues as a full timer but work less then half the hours.Believe me if I had the chance I would have been full time years ago.

No 22.3 jobs came up in the 20 years you've been with the company?


Well-Known Member
and yearly raises that are not split.

I never understood why everyone hated the split raises so much. does your yearly income come out less with a split raise, as oppose to a single raise? If I got two 50¢ raises, one in february and one in september ----or---- a $1 raise only in september, wouldn't the split raise be more profitable?


Well-Known Member
I never understood why everyone hated the split raises so much. does your yearly income come out less with a split raise, as oppose to a single raise? If I got two 50¢ raises, one in february and one in september ----or---- a $1 raise only in september, wouldn't the split raise be more profitable?

Do you think the company would have gone to a split raise if it were indeed more profitable?

I'll use your $1 raise as an example. $1/hr raise for 2,000 hours is $2K. $.50/hr raise for 1,000 hours is $500. $1/hr raise for 1,000 hours is $1K. You would lose $500 if the $1/hr raise was paid in two installments of $.50/each. The loss is increased when OT is factored in.


In our hub and centers, newly created jobs are bid for PT only, and existing jobs are for FT only. There have been a few jobs that were "mixed bids" with both PT and FT, but I don't recall many.

Just last week we had three BRAND NEW jobs for PTers to bid on, PT only.


A few notes for PT'ers- One change that might be good for master, are most strict penalties for supervisors working. What I came up with, in a proposal is -

Art. 3 sec 7(d)

"...the aggrieved employee will be paid no less than thirty (30) dollars per hour, or double time the employees rate of pay, whichever is greater"

This may encourage PT's to file on sups working. I've heard many different angles on this , including escalating pay for repeated violations, and etc..but the co. will snake out of it by using diff sups or different areas.

Another would be, Art. 22, sec 7
"...no earlier than after six (6) months....(6) months. "


Well-Known Member
A few notes for PT'ers- One change that might be good for master, are most strict penalties for supervisors working. What I came up with, in a proposal is -

Art. 3 sec 7(d)

"...the agrevied employee will be paid no less than thirty (30) dollars per hour, or double time the employees rate of pay, whichever is greater"

This may encourage PT's to file on sups working.

Another would be, Art. 22, sec 7
"...no earlier than after six (6) months....(6) months. "

Maybe most part-timers just want to blow out of work as soon as possible, nevermind the how or why of it.


Maybe most part-timers just want to blow out of work as soon as possible, nevermind the how or why of it.

There is no question that is true. I was a part-timer for more than five years and know the ins and outs.
The 20% that care, end up being around 3% when the time, effort, hassles come to be.
A part-timer making $10/hr would be more attracted to a 4 hour grievance paying $120, than $40.