At the risk of my first post sounding like a complaint, I have to say the answer to this question is beyond obvious.... MONEY. I'll say it again.... MONEY.
Knowing that I bust my butt daily for only a dollar or two an hour more than someone piddling around at Walmart or some high school kid sitting at a desk in a tanning salon is borderline degrading. Don't get me wrong I like my job, and I love having a job period, lots of folks don't have that luxury, but let's take a step back and think about some things.
Starting pay for part-timers essentially hasn't changed since 1987. In terms of inflation it would take roughly $17.00 in 2012 to get the purchasing power of $8.50 in 1987. No, I'm not suggesting part timers start at $17.00 an hour (not that many of them don't deserve it). However, in terms of the quality of worker UPS is purchasing with this wage let's take a look at minimum wage laws. Minimum wage in 1987 was $3.35, so keeping up with inflation minimum wage in 2012 dollars was about $6.50. Seems to me like a MINIMUM of $2.00 an hour bump in starting pay is atleast reasonable.
I'm fortunate enough to work at a center where wait times to be a driver are only 3-5 years so simply holding UPS's feet to the fire in terms of filling more full time positions they've already agreed to create is enough for me. However, in the meantime, my job would be a lot easier if I had a better quality part time co-worker. Where I work at least half of new hires quit, and a lot of the ones that don't quit are kept past their 30 day probationary period simply because HR can't fill these positions.
Bottomline: part-timers today are the future of UPS tomorrow, so let's invest a little money in our future.