What does my "trace" number mean?


Well-Known Member
We have these guys too! It seems like they put in an 8 hour request every Friday. I never call in for help- if it takes till 9 p.m. fine. If they screw up and only get 7.5 hours on the truck I'm not calling either.

Harley Rider

34 yrs & done!
If they're giving you extra work so someone else can have an easy day, you know how to fix that. We all do.

Stay out till 9 a couple of nights, and they'll get the message.

Done that too. I had one ten day run with seven 9.5 days. The center manager sent me a message to call him before I clocked out. Looked like I finally was going to have a decent day before that. I called him and he had more work lined up for me. I more or less told him that I was tired of all the hours and being dumped on. He told me to go home and he would find someone else. He just left the guy out there on his own that night.

Nothing unusual for our center to have three 9.5 drivers a day out of 7. They just don't seem to care. That is unless someone's stop count is screwed and they run an under eight. Then the world is coming to an end!


Well-Known Member
i couldnt care any less about trace numbers but in my center the routes according to EDD are set up like crap in my opinion. Some routes are almost dead on accurate with EDD but I have another route where the EDD system expects me to zig zag across a major road road which has a divider in it so I do the route the way it was before EDD was introduced. I'd love to meet the genius who set up that route through the EDD system. Management never ceases to amaze me with their stupidity


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot - i'm probably getting some of the stops you should be getting. this is behavior that a union causes. where's the incentive to work hard? no matter how hard i work i'll only make the same money as you. you won't see a non-union fedex driver out there driving miles and burning gas just because they don't feel like working.
well dude hate to break it to you but this has nothing to do with a union thing ups wants me to run on trace and make pickup compliance so i work as instructed and do what they want. it is much better on me that way too. you go ahead and break trace as much as you want and miss your p/u compliance and eventually they will be sending you a warning letter for not working as instructed!


Well-Known Member
I can't get my trace above 70% on any route I do. If I do it's just not efficient with air and bulk.


Well-Known Member
Browndude is right, those a-holes in management will definitely shoot you a warning letter for not making p/u compliance. I've gotten a verbal warning for it before. Honestly, i dont care though. Management only sees the numbers on their paper. On a weekly basis I have customers who want to close early so they call me for an early p/u or of course I'm sure we all have the customers who are never ready on time & you have to go back later to pick them up. In those cases I just close out the p/u or sheet them as Not Ready, then go back later when they are ready & scan their p/u as an Unscheduled & get a free stop & some easy OT out of it. The commit times at this job are what drives me crazy though. Airs done by 10:30 even though we dont leave the building til' 9 or 9:30 depending on when the preload wraps up. No commercial closings between noon & 1pm, schools delivered by 3pm, no commercial closings after 5pm & a 15min leeway time for scheduled pickups & somewhere in all that mess find time to eat lunch...... Friday I had some jerkoff want to meet me out on my lunchbreak so he could pick up his package of cigerettes after I already made 2 attempts on the package. I messaged back to the center "Sure, he can meet me for his package....at 7:30pm when I get back to the building"


Browncafe Steward
You know what i love, its when you go into work and they are holding the o.r and they want to talk to a driver about running overallowed, after they get done with their nonsense, i just simply say its pretty obvious that he didnt run over allowed he walked and worked safely while going over your numbers!

Harley Rider

34 yrs & done!
You know what i love, its when you go into work and they are holding the o.r and they want to talk to a driver about running overallowed, after they get done with their nonsense, i just simply say its pretty obvious that he didnt run over allowed he walked and worked safely while going over your numbers!

Hey Red

Our union steward use to just tell them that he was working a pace that he felt was safe for him! That use to just burn them up.


Well-Known Member
What's the deal with all the "right hand turn" language. This is the 3rd time I've heard this lately. Seems like another impossibility to me....:confused:1

Well now Santa it means if you need to make a left turn don't do it. Keep making right turns until the left turn becomes a right turn. It takes a little more time and of course sucks up more fuel, but is much more efficient in the end. I hope you understand now.


free at last.......
I can see it now..........

IE Joe: Hey, Mike, I've come up with a great idea that will save the company tons of money.

Mike: Great, Joe. What is it?

IE Joe: Make it policy that our drivers only make right hand turns.

Mike: And how will that save us money?

IE Joe: Well, I've got it all here on paper. If they only turn right, they won't have to wait for oncoming traffic. They also won't put the vehicle in risk of being struck by that oncoming traffic. It's all here on paper.

Mike: Wow, the paper shows it will save us plenty of money. Implement it immediately. And have automotive set the steering up so there's no way they can turn left.

...............and so it goes.


Well-Known Member
Right hand turns have been around since I started as a driver in 1978. It's nothing new, just being brought to the forefront again with the implementation of PAS. You see PAS was not going well at first, UPS let Wall St know about this new technology, and as UPS struggled at first, the "right hand turn" took the spotlight for a while.

I do hope PAS is going much better than initially implemented, as re-implementations were done in my last district.

Live and learn, but you need the operators and drivers input to learn, not have them live with loops done in an office, on google maps, by someone who had never been on a package car.


not have them live with loops done in an office, on google maps, by someone who had never been on a package car.

unfortunately chan those people are often the ones that do make the loops and should never be in the position to do so in the first place, if they have no on road experience their opinion shouldn't count for the most part.