1) Unions tend to make it difficult or impossible to promote exceptional workers.
Promotions? I believe it is up to the member if he wants to sell his soul to join management. On "exceptional workers", please. Anyone capable of withstanding all that management deals out is exceptional.
2) Unions tend to make it difficult or impossible to fire deficient workers.
Again, are you kidding me? Good members are fired everyday in this company by some very un-exceptional people! "Deficient workers"? No, just workers who don't live up to their standards of perfection.
You know, some people here, (such as yourself), have argued that I'm misled. Not thinking straight. Wrong.
I applaud mindsets such as yours. You actually argued against my position. Others just questioned my sincerity. I suppose they cannot comprehend that anybody
could disagree with them. I'd prefer that they just disagree.
Anyway, I'm not going to go point-by-point in my response. I just noticed a consistent mindset throughout your responses:
UPS and management are the enemy. I don't fully understand this mindset. The people who employ and manage you are your enemy? Why?
In a good company, management wants to make money and be successful. (Being successful is more than money, by the way.) The owners and managers want good, productive employees. They pay according to scarcity, so talented workers get paid more. They don't want unhappy employees, because such people are worse workers. In addition, and this is important, the management and owners are
people, such as yourself. Therefore, they do not like making others miserable and unhappy. Do you get satisfaction from making others miserable? Well, I doubt your boss does either. Very few people are sadistic like that.
But, like others in this thread, you speak of management like they're "out to get you." They're just itching to fire good employees. What utter nonsense.
No, I think the greatest enemy to economies and businesses are inefficiencies. And unions create bureaucracies, and bureaucracies are the greatest inefficiency I can imagine. Dues and agency fees pay for people to talk and negotiate within the company, which produces no product whatsoever. I can think of plenty of systems which would serve employees better, and cost a lot less.