What happens to a manager or stupidvisor when harassment greviances are filled against them?


Well-Known Member
If it's determined that it could hurt the company in some way they will get transferred or terminated. Otherwise it will be business as usual.


At what point do they get transferred?
The first thing that usually happens here is our BA tries to talk us into withdrawing such grievances.

There's on-car supe in my building who's been found guilty of at least 3 Art 37 violations in the past couple years. They moved him to another center in the building where he's had at least 2 more Art 37 grieves filed against him -- I need to follow up and see if those have been decided.


The first thing that usually happens here is our BA tries to talk us into withdrawing such grievances.

There's on-car supe in my building who's been found guilty of at least 3 Art 37 violations in the past couple years. They moved him to another center in the building where he's had at least 2 more Art 37 grieves filed against him -- I need to follow up and see if those have been decided.
Are they using this language at all? Just curious.

The following language is applicable to grievances arising from
Article 37 Section 1(a) which allege intimidation, harassment, co-
ercion or over supervision:
1. Grievances not resolved by the Local or Area grievance proce-
dure shall be forwarded to the National Article 37 Grievance Com-
mittee. Such Committee shall be comprised of an equal number of
Union and Employer representatives and a sitting arbitrator who
shall decide the merits and penalty of each case in the event of a
deadlock by the Committee. Cases will be presented and decided in
accordance with Article 8 and the National Grievance Committee
Rules of Procedure.
2. The Article 37 Committee shall be empowered to provide a
monetary penalty for each proven violation of this Section up to a
maximum penalty of three (3) times the employee’s daily guarantee
depending on the severity of the offense.
3. Any individual member of management deemed by the Com-
mittee to have committed two (2) or more violations of this Section
within a two (2) year period shall be required to appear in person
before the Committee for any subsequent grievance(s). Failure of
the management person to appear, absent a legitimate excuse, shall
result in a negative inference


Are they using this language at all? Just curious.
It hasn't applied as far as I know because these grieves were settled at the area panel, so they never reached the national Art 37 committee. I will be submitting a proposal that does not require the national committee's authority to assess this pay penalty, etc. However, the likely result would be the company will deadlock most Art 37 grieves at locals and panel.

The only real answer to harassment, intimidation, retaliation and the like is rank and file strength.

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
1) the steward tries to talk you out of it.
2) the grievance goes nowhere.
3) the retaliation by management starts shortly after.
4) the steward no longer takes you seriously, and views you as a problem that jeopardizes his easy day.
5) more retaliation, depending on how you handle previous.
6) eventually, when they get enough dirt on you, they'll suspend you.
7) through it all, nothing at all will happen to anyone in management.

They could be under the influence, diddling themselves in the office, hitting on every female (customers & employees,) absent whenever, only work 2-3hrs per day, abusing company credit card, running drugs\contriband through the center, violating laws regarding employee personally identifiable information, a complete jack-hole, boundary challenged (showing up at employees houses,) and a weirdo that is into bestiality -- and nothing will happen to them.


It hasn't applied as far as I know because these grieves were settled at the area panel, so they never reached the national Art 37 committee. I will be submitting a proposal that does not require the national committee's authority to assess this pay penalty, etc. However, the likely result would be the company will deadlock most Art 37 grieves at locals and panel.

The only real answer to harassment, intimidation, retaliation and the like is rank and file strength.
I'd specifically request the monetary penalty and that the sup appear before that committee. Of course it won't change anything, but it kinda puts them on notice a little bit.


I'd specifically request the monetary penalty and that the sup appear before that committee. Of course it won't change anything, but it kinda puts them on notice a little bit.
I agree. When my BA tried to talk me into withdrawing a couple Art 37 grieves, one against the DM and another against the labor manager, he dismissed Art 37 as a toothless formality. While I think that article needs more and sharper teeth (and the entire contract, and the membership as well), the fact is: mgmt has steered clear of me ever since I filed. They did not even attempt to retaliate. In the year since they've only attempted 1 observation. I had just pulled over and coded out break. Told the supe the same when he pulled up, and he moved on.

I am regularly telling brothers and sisters, if 1. you have sound methods and are a reliable employee 2. you learn the contract and 3. you stand your ground enforcing it on the spot as well as filing, mgmt learns to respect you. We need many more Teamsters with good heads on their shoulders and who refuse to be intimidated.


1) the steward tries to talk you out of it.
2) the grievance goes nowhere.
3) the retaliation by management starts shortly after.
4) the steward no longer takes you seriously, and views you as a problem that jeopardizes his easy day.
5) more retaliation, depending on how you handle previous.
6) eventually, when they get enough dirt on you, they'll suspend you.
7) through it all, nothing at all will happen to anyone in management.

They could be under the influence, diddling themselves in the office, hitting on every female (customers & employees,) absent whenever, only work 2-3hrs per day, abusing company credit card, running drugs\contriband through the center, violating laws regarding employee personally identifiable information, a complete jack-hole, boundary challenged (showing up at employees houses,) and a weirdo that is into bestiality -- and nothing will happen to them.
If your officers are that compromised, it's time to file charges with the NLRB.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
How hot is she?
She? UPS...hot?
