What happens to a manager or stupidvisor when harassment greviances are filled against them?

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
1) the steward tries to talk you out of it.

Only in a weak Local. I feel sorry for you.

2) the grievance goes nowhere.

Only in a weak Local. I feel sorry for you.

3) the retaliation by management starts shortly after.

Only in a weak Local. I feel sorry for you.

4) the steward no longer takes you seriously, and views you as a problem that jeopardizes his easy day.

Only in a weak Local. I feel sorry for you.

5) more retaliation, depending on how you handle previous.

Only in a weak Local. I feel sorry for you.

6) eventually, when they get enough dirt on you, they'll suspend you.

Only in a weak Local. I feel sorry for you.

7) through it all, nothing at all will happen to anyone in management.

Only in a weak Local. I feel sorry for you.

They could be under the influence, diddling themselves in the office, hitting on every female (customers & employees,) absent whenever, only work 2-3hrs per day, abusing company credit card, running drugs\contriband through the center, violating laws regarding employee personally identifiable information, a complete jack-hole, boundary challenged (showing up at employees houses,) and a weirdo that is into bestiality -- and nothing will happen to them.

Only in a weak Local. I feel sorry for you.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
She? UPS...hot?


Brown Biscuit

Blind every day
When a quota of messing things up is met they get promotions. Cause stress on drivers and eff things up..promotion. False terminations… promotion. Cut enough routes… promotion. Eventually they become a center manager and that’s the ultimate weasel. Then they get demoted back to on-road and the cycle continues it’s like a never ending s+*tnado roulette. Imagine being in management LMAO


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
When a quota of messing things up is met they get promotions. Cause stress on drivers and eff things up..promotion. False terminations… promotion. Cut enough routes… promotion. Eventually they become a center manager and that’s the ultimate weasel. Then they get demoted back to on-road and the cycle continues it’s like a never ending s+*tnado roulette. Imagine being in management LMAO