danny boy I dont see how that helps his time etc., if he made the delivery it is time wasted, if he is saving it for later I dont see how he profits unless he is rocket man. bonus man. If he is saving it because he did it during "air time" he will get caught as in someone will call to report a damage, misdelivery etc, and nothing will show up being delivered yet. But as long as he has an honest signature, or DR, he probably didnt do anything wrong, you could always say you hit the wrong key, there would be ways out I guess, but I dont see the logic. I guess its like if you tell the same lie long enough you start to believe its true. With the time constraints we have, I want to know how much I actually have done, I dont want to cheat, just get through the day with all customers smiling. I try to keep all customers as happy as possible with as little abuse as possible to myself. God knows we get enough just getting where we have to go. Any job anywhere is going to have good and bad mgmt., good and bad hourly, good and bad days, etc. Just remembering that it is a job, it is what you do to live, not necessarily what you live to do. It is called work, if it was always fun it would be illegal or called something else. And just do it the way it should be done and remember how many people depend on you to make their day or keep their business in business, is what keeps me going. And being good at it, and the heck with the rest. If everyone is happy, no one is following you. If you are the one never noticed, or brought up in conversation among management, its a good place to be. I still dont think, unless given a reason, management other than normal checkups, has the time to follow you around, including LP. They are hammered with numerous missions we will never hear about, at least where I am from. But just to be safe, I do it by the book. I love the freedom of being alone all day, and only an occasional rift in my schedule. And they walk away happy too, when they dont have to report anything they found done wrong or illegally. But as usual its just my opinion.