What is President Bush Responsible for?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Something tells me you had this written out before you even posted this thread. You didn't want to hear anybody's opinion on Bush except your own.

Now I do give Bush credit for a few things, some good and some bad. He did an excellent job of keeping this country safe after our sense of security was shattered on 9-11. He did what was necessary to keep terrorists from attacking our country again and he was successful at that. I also credit him for the tax cuts and the prosperity that they brought this country before Carter's housing mess collapsed. Whether you want to admit or not the tax cuts created jobs and raised tax revenue for the federal government.

The bad is he was a big spender, nearly as bad as a liberal. He could have been a better steward of our fiscal house, but he wasn't because his focus was on the political future of him and his party and not the fiscal health of this nation. I never thought another President could have been as bad or worse than him on spending, but I was wrong as Obama has already outspent Bush and every president before him combined. Bush may not have been our greatest leader, but he sure was many times better than the one we have now.


I am amazed how people say BUSH kept us "SAFE" as a president. I am confused, considering he DID NOT keep us safe, and the worst terrorist attack on our country happened on HIS WATCH. He cost americans and visitors their lives to the tune of 3000 when terrorists attacked our country while he read "my pet goat". Republicans only want to remember that nothing happened after the worst terrorist attack on our country and they call that safe? Really?

What did it do to our lives? Thousands of first responders are dying of health related illnesses from 911 and the Bush administration abandoning them by refusing them healthcare. Are they safe?

You talk about "carters housing mess"? What the heck does that mean? What does Carter have to do with bush's "home ownership society" act that created the housing bubble and subsequent bust? The only one responsible for what happened in the latest housing bust was Bush's own policies and actions.

I am shocked that you claim that tax cuts raised revenues for the federal goverment considering BUSH ran a deficit each and every year that he was in office. At the end of the day, BUSH ran up a deficit of 10.7 trillion dollars and yet you say that OBAMA's spending of 4.63 trillion is higher than BUSH? C'mon, you cant be serious.?

Where are the jobs that were created? Bush started at 4% unemployment and ended at 7.8%. Where are the jobs?

There has never been a "FISCAL CONSERVATIVE" in the White House since Eisenhower. He was the last republican to run a fiscal house. All the rest have been big spenders and deficit runners.

What you stated are merely the talking points that are repeated on cable news shows or right wing radio. NOTHING YOU SAID is a FACT.

Using your logic, OBAMA has kept us safer than BUSH cause we havent had a terrorist attack on US SOIL by a foreign country, as BUSH did on 911.

President Bush was shedding 750 thousand jobs a month for the last 18 months of his term running the country into the ground and OBAMA is averaging approx. 410 thousand a month, how does that make OBAMA worst than BUSH? BUSH was running a negative GDP for the last 2 years of his term and OBAMA is running a POSITIVE GDP for his entire term, how does that make OBAMA worse than BUSH?

BUSH was spending 4 billion a week in IRAQ, and OBAMA is down to less than 1 billion a month in IRAQ, how does that make OBAMA worse than BUSH?

BUSH had oil over 5 bucks a gallon for months and oil reached 150 bucks a barrel or an increase of 400% killing the economy, and OBAMA had oil at 115 bucks a barrel (peak) and 4 bucks a gallon for a few months and averaging 90 bucks a barrel for three years, how does that make OBAMA worse than BUSH? US PRODUCTION of oil is at the highest levels in 10 years.

I would like anyone to post the jobs created and this alledged increased tax revenue that helped the US goverment under BUSH.

The problem is you dont like OBAMA for whatever reason, you will find reasons to hate him true or untrue, you run from president BUSH and his actions and leadership, none of you want to hold him accountable for the wall street collapse, the job market collapse, 911, hurricane Katrina, the cost of oil, two wars unpaid, 6000 lives lost in two ridiculous wars with zero results, trillions of dollars spent on NO BID contracts for contractors who overcharged the federal goverment and destroying the US ECONOMY.

All I want to hear is one of you admit that BUSH destroyed the economy. OBAMA had to start somewhere and he started in a deep hole and he is trying to DIG OUT of that hole. He didnt get the benefit of starting with a 4% unemployment rate, a goverment surplus, no wars, no terrorists attacks on US soil, wall street on solid ground, no corporate collapses (enron, tyco, worldcom).

Instead, he inherited a semi depression and in best case, a deep recession none of which was his creation.

Its amazing how rhetoric and false facts dominates the conversations on this board when it comes to politics.

I thank you for your contribution.



Well-Known Member
If you can look at the person in the mirror and truly believe the W caused the housing bubble --????
While he was guilty of not stopping a runaway train ---you are definitely changing facts to fit your own politcal leaning.
You seem to forget the 60 years of political interference with the private sector that created the mess.
When you only say -W- do you forgive the Democrat controlled Congress at the time of the burst ??


Well-Known Member

I am amazed how people say BUSH kept us "SAFE" as a president. I am confused, considering he DID NOT keep us safe, and the worst terrorist attack on our country happened on HIS WATCH. He cost americans and visitors their lives to the tune of 3000 when terrorists attacked our country while he read "my pet goat". Republicans only want to remember that nothing happened after the worst terrorist attack on our country and they call that safe? Really?

What did it do to our lives? Thousands of first responders are dying of health related illnesses from 911 and the Bush administration abandoning them by refusing them healthcare. Are they safe?

You talk about "carters housing mess"? What the heck does that mean? What does Carter have to do with bush's "home ownership society" act that created the housing bubble and subsequent bust? The only one responsible for what happened in the latest housing bust was Bush's own policies and actions.

I am shocked that you claim that tax cuts raised revenues for the federal goverment considering BUSH ran a deficit each and every year that he was in office. At the end of the day, BUSH ran up a deficit of 10.7 trillion dollars and yet you say that OBAMA's spending of 4.63 trillion is higher than BUSH? C'mon, you cant be serious.?

Where are the jobs that were created? Bush started at 4% unemployment and ended at 7.8%. Where are the jobs?

There has never been a "FISCAL CONSERVATIVE" in the White House since Eisenhower. He was the last republican to run a fiscal house. All the rest have been big spenders and deficit runners.

What you stated are merely the talking points that are repeated on cable news shows or right wing radio. NOTHING YOU SAID is a FACT.

Using your logic, OBAMA has kept us safer than BUSH cause we havent had a terrorist attack on US SOIL by a foreign country, as BUSH did on 911.

President Bush was shedding 750 thousand jobs a month for the last 18 months of his term running the country into the ground and OBAMA is averaging approx. 410 thousand a month, how does that make OBAMA worst than BUSH? BUSH was running a negative GDP for the last 2 years of his term and OBAMA is running a POSITIVE GDP for his entire term, how does that make OBAMA worse than BUSH?

BUSH was spending 4 billion a week in IRAQ, and OBAMA is down to less than 1 billion a month in IRAQ, how does that make OBAMA worse than BUSH?

BUSH had oil over 5 bucks a gallon for months and oil reached 150 bucks a barrel or an increase of 400% killing the economy, and OBAMA had oil at 115 bucks a barrel (peak) and 4 bucks a gallon for a few months and averaging 90 bucks a barrel for three years, how does that make OBAMA worse than BUSH? US PRODUCTION of oil is at the highest levels in 10 years.

I would like anyone to post the jobs created and this alledged increased tax revenue that helped the US goverment under BUSH.

The problem is you dont like OBAMA for whatever reason, you will find reasons to hate him true or untrue, you run from president BUSH and his actions and leadership, none of you want to hold him accountable for the wall street collapse, the job market collapse, 911, hurricane Katrina, the cost of oil, two wars unpaid, 6000 lives lost in two ridiculous wars with zero results, trillions of dollars spent on NO BID contracts for contractors who overcharged the federal goverment and destroying the US ECONOMY.

All I want to hear is one of you admit that BUSH destroyed the economy. OBAMA had to start somewhere and he started in a deep hole and he is trying to DIG OUT of that hole. He didnt get the benefit of starting with a 4% unemployment rate, a goverment surplus, no wars, no terrorists attacks on US soil, wall street on solid ground, no corporate collapses (enron, tyco, worldcom).

Instead, he inherited a semi depression and in best case, a deep recession none of which was his creation.

Its amazing how rhetoric and false facts dominates the conversations on this board when it comes to politics.

I thank you for your contribution.


Thanks for making my point for me. You wanted to hear only your opinion and nothing else making this thread a waste of everyone's time. Everything else you mentioned was either a flat out lie or the truth stretched right up to its breaking point and is a waste of my precious time to respond to beyond these three sentences.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Thanks for making my point for me. You wanted to hear only your opinion and nothing else making this thread a waste of everyone's time. Everything else you mentioned was either a flat out lie or the truth stretched right up to its breaking point and is a waste of my precious time to respond to beyond these three sentences.

Ill take this as you dont have the first clue on how to respond.



Thanks for making my point for me. You wanted to hear only your opinion and nothing else making this thread a waste of everyone's time. Everything else you mentioned was either a flat out lie or the truth stretched right up to its breaking point and is a waste of my precious time to respond to beyond these three sentences.
It's really the other way around. Everything else was spot on- but the part you bolded was just an unnecessary rehash. ;/


golden ticket member
Hey Brett, looks like you're in the "stupid club" too!! To be a member you have to "not understand" anything to do with politics.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If you can look at the person in the mirror and truly believe the W caused the housing bubble --????
While he was guilty of not stopping a runaway train ---you are definitely changing facts to fit your own politcal leaning.
You seem to forget the 60 years of political interference with the private sector that created the mess.
When you only say -W- do you forgive the Democrat controlled Congress at the time of the burst ??

Island, I speak to political victims all day on my route. I hear the same baloney that you, moreluck, brett, trip and the others sell on this board everyday. In each case, I have been able to have a reasonable conversation (minus a couple of rush victims) and demonstrate the same facts as I post on this board, yet on you all, you are so dug in on baloney, we cant have an understanding.

First of all, I dont have to look in the mirror, All you have to do is listen to BUSH himself, from his own mouth, from his own policies, from his own party. You throw in 60 years of political interference as if this is an excuse that wipes the responsibility away from BUSH. You are so determined to give BUSH a pass on the worst economic record in a 100 years but the rest of the country isnt in that same boat.

Was it Kennedy who said "downpayments are barrier to home ownership" Was it Johnson who said "the goverment should give 40K to low income minority first time buyers?" Was it Carter who said "income verification is a barrier to low income newly arrived immigrants?", Was it Clinton who said "im instructing the mortgage industry to create new financial instruments to help first time buyers", Was it Clinton that ordered the building of 6.5 million new homes between 2002 and 2010?" Was it Carter who said "he wanted 1 million low income black homeowners by the end of 2010?" Was it Carter who said "he wanted 1 million low income hispanic homeowners by the end of 2010?"

The answer to these questions are NO. BUSH and only BUSH made all of these statements in july 2002 when he introduced the home ownership society, and the downpayment assistance act. Both of these were BUSH'S programs and with the help of the republican controlled congress allowed the mortage industry, the realty industry and the banks to create time bombs that eventually blew up in americas face.

You say BUSH's only failure was to stop a runaway train? Well my friend, he was at the wheel of the train. There was no stopping that eventual trainwreck. You want to blame the democrats for being in office when the home bubble burst as if they were responsible ?

Get serious. The homes that are foreclosing are not homes sold in the 60's, 70's , 80's or 90's. These were all homes sold after 2002 and mortaged for 5,10 or 15 years interest only. In addition, the BUSH administration ENCOURAGED people to buy multiple homes or take out credit lines against their homes indebting them for amounts they eventually would never be able to repay.

For a while, everyone was living high on the hog, mortaging their futures away. For those with older homes, the values falsely increased and those took out loans against them and now that the property values have returned to the original values back in the 70's, they are losing those too.

BUSH takes all the blame for this crisis, and no level of political rhetoric can take away that responsibility.

If you want anyone to look in a mirror, I suggest you take a short walk down the hall to your restroom and ask yourself how foolish are you to believe what you posted.

I started this thread to see if anyone would assign any blame to BUSH for anything, and none of you cant. Brett attempted too, but fell short with his ridiculous claims.

Most of the BUSH , right wing, republican supporters wont have the cajones to ever admit that bush was a failure, but all you have to do to acknowledge he was a failure is by listening to the current GOP candidates for NOT ONE of them will invoke BUSH, his leadership, his policies, his handling of events, his starting of 2 wars or his handling of the loss of jobs. 8 years of BUSH and not ONE will mention his name.

They all know what you all fail to accept, BUSH SUCKED.



Strength through joy
darn it , tos is starting to be like wkmac, ( not that I don't enjoy wkmac's postings ) , going on endlessly with rather long postings.
Honestly if you can't say what you mean in 100 words or less no one is really going to read it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
darn it , tos is starting to be like wkmac, ( not that I don't enjoy wkmac's postings ) , going on endlessly with rather long postings.
Honestly if you can't say what you mean in 100 words or less no one is really going to read it.

and then you wonder why we feel about you like "we" do. Birds of a feather I'd say, you and moreluck.



Well-Known Member
moreluck:870149 said:
Hey Brett, looks like you're in the "stupid club" too!! To be a member you have to "not understand" anything to do with politics.

I guess so. Understanding this fantasy land TOS and sleeve comes from can be a bit daunting.


Most of the BUSH , right wing, republican supporters wont have the cajones to ever admit that bush was a failure, but all you have to do to acknowledge he was a failure is by listening to the current GOP candidates for NOT ONE of them will invoke BUSH, his leadership, his policies, his handling of events, his starting of 2 wars or his handling of the loss of jobs. 8 years of BUSH and not ONE will mention his name.
This is a good point , the sad part is they would claim to be different than Bush if ever asked (they're clearly different shades of the same color, though) - and the typical followers would tag right along with it.


Well-Known Member
This is a good point , the sad part is they would claim to be different than Bush if ever asked (they're clearly different shades of the same color, though) - and the typical followers would tag right along with it.

How much of the current crop of GOP candidates now are either saying directly or implying in some way many of the things Ron Paul was saying back in 2008'? The entire GOP laughed Ron out of the room in 08' and now they are trying to look like Ron without looking like Ron!



golden ticket member
How much of the current crop of GOP candidates now are either saying directly or implying in some way many of the things Ron Paul was saying back in 2008'? The entire GOP laughed Ron out of the room in 08' and now they are trying to look like Ron without looking like Ron!


Ron Paul was always way ahead of his time.....people like him come off as kooks and then a while later they turn out to be telling the truth. That doesn't make anybody hypocrites.......it just makes them slower to see the light.......kind of like atheists before they find God.


Staff member
Ron Paul was always way ahead of his time.....people like him come off as kooks and then a while later they turn out to be telling the truth. That doesn't make anybody hypocrites.......it just makes them slower to see the light.......kind of like atheists before they find God.
in my opinion, when you start delving deeper and deeper, Ron Paul is kooky.