I didn't put much thought in my User Name. When I decided to register, all the cool names like Wornoutupser, 30andOut, Sendagain, DoubleStandard, Over9five, Toonertoo, were already taken. My first nickname at work was "Crash", I have been also called "Oldtimer" and "OldGeezer". Those were taken too. That evening, my dog that I use as my avatar, was doing what we call a "Victory Roll". He was on his back wiggling back and forth trying to scratch a flea he couldn't get to. My wife made a comment like "look at Freckles, the Scratch King". So I used that.
When I was asked to become a Moderator, I thought about using another User Name, but I figured it would be too much trouble to log on and off. I thought about using "Barney Fife" or "Under9Five".
At least I'm honest!