Where ya at???


Well-Known Member
Did you at least hit double digits?



Well-Known Member
Time is Time. BTW, I have no problem with you working like that, just too much for me.

You in Feeders?
Thing is, if you are low seniority you are forced to work on Saturday. You are going to work 60 or close to it regardless. You can do it in 5 days or 6. You can only call out so much. So i decided i want my weekends. Low seniority hardly work saturdays and if i do its only a few hours. Off at lunchtime..you high seniority guys say the same "sheet"... but the question is...what would you do?? Anyway I'm off this weekend..going to to do some boating on the lake this weekend with my new boat lol


Well-Known Member
... but the question is...what would you do??
We were sent a message yesterday if we were under 4 hours or more we were to report Saturday. I replied back something along the lines that "Sorry but I have plans. I won't be there." My plans? I plan to not be at work. The weekends are for me. Contractually we're only obligated to be there 5 days a week. Forget em.
We were sent a message yesterday if we were under 4 hours or more we were to report Saturday. I replied back something along the lines that "Sorry but I have plans. I won't be there." My plans? I plan to not be at work. The weekends are for me. Contractually we're only obligated to be there 5 days a week. Forget em.
How can I force you to work if you don't have the hours available?


Well-Known Member
Don't know what local you are in, but no way any package car in my local is working 60 hours a week. Maybe 8 hours ot, if that. Guys that work Saturday have Monday off. No forced 6th in my local either.
Wow.... we don't have or get ANY of that here. Its friend you every week.


Till I Collapse
Screenshot 2022-10-28 220757.png

Testing retirement income.
34 yr. pkg driver (AKA RPCD).
3-mile round trip commute to work
AFTAX FLEX = $1,000,000 life insurance policy for over 55 yrs. age
Working 2-3 days per week on avg.
Mortgage = paid off
Electric bill = paid off solar.
Spouse = quit job to become caretaker for adult disabled child
Biggest expense other than grocery is high speed internet/phone/cable bundle
Estimated yearly pension income ~$78000
Social Security income annually at age 62 for both ~$38,000
Local = SoCal


Till I Collapse
Started putting 12% into 401k as soon as I was eligible, raising it 2% at every raise till I maxed it out. My wife did the same.
Switched to the Roth at 9% about 4 years ago just because I don't feel I really need to add much more.
Currently have ~$2,000,000 in investments set aside to help support our son after we are gone.