Who is Obama


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Im with ya, Moreluck. I see it daily. I guarantee a urine test would put alot of recipients out of money to buy more drugs. It only makes sense, if I have to be drug free to work, shouldnt you have to be drug free, to say you cant find work.
The system is there to help people, and could be made to include people making under the poverty level, more than it is now. But it all starts with helping yourself. And there are generations of people of all races, using it as their way through life.
Nothing irks me worse, than standing in the store behind someone with bagfuls of food, all instant, in a hurry food, and using food stamps.
Along with the help, should go mandatory education, as to how to cook, what to cook. And you should not be able to buy more than a small amount of trash food with your entitlement.
And I would take it further. Since your drivers license or state ID has all kinds of info on it anyway. I would be for having to use it to buy anything. Including tobacco, alcohol, lottery, and AHHH yes cell phones. And if you are on state aid, ya dont get any of them.
1st of the month, carrying a stack of money in their hands, going to the nearest convienience store and buying 5 cartons of smokes, now there is a necessity. 180.00 gone in a heartbeat, and then we pay to make sure their heartbeat is Ok. And we pay the rent, and the utilities, and a discount on the home phone. And then home schooling kids, so they get free internet. Now that makes me feel like there is hope. Home schooling kids when you cant read or write well, duh, not a good idea. If you are not employable, unless due to a true disability, how can you say you will make your children successful?? Im all for cutting spending, how about we start here?
And yes I know, Im mean and nasty. There is so much spent elsewhere that its only a drop in the bucket. No its not, it is what is killing the country as far as morality, decency, responsibility, and accountability is concerned.


Like the senate has better intel than the commander-in-chief

The senate has the same intel as the commander in chief. I never said better. The senate has their own unfettered sources of intel that come straight from our intelligence agencies. they used the same information to come up with the same answers.

Even Bush's press secretary was instructed to lie to the american public.

A copy of his instructions please so we all judge his instructions?

It was Bush's neo-con staff that was entrusted to act with integrity and give truthful intel to congress. Obviously that was not the case.

You keep trying to have your cake and eat it too. Congress has their own intelligencesources. They do not pull their intelligence from the white house.

Haven't we covered this topic recently already.

we have and you keep trying to rewrite the facts. wheres our compassionate loving liberal at? this one is so angry.:rofl:


Well-Known Member
Like the senate has better intel than the commander-in-chief

The senate has the same intel as the commander in chief. I never said better. The senate has their own unfettered sources of intel that come straight from our intelligence agencies. they used the same information to come up with the same answers.

Senate an Congressional cleared committee members do receive intelligence from sources such as the Defense Dept and the State dept but do you really believe they recieve highly classified intel? Don't you think there would be major leaks. Also why would the term "whistleblower" be used on staff members within the executive branch?

Even Bush's press secretary was instructed to lie to the american public.

A copy of his instructions please so we all judge his instructions?

Here it is, but you have to pay for it yourself..$18.45..save 30% at Amazon.com...look for shipping specials :thumbup1:

First edition cover

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I never said I was for more or less government. I am for the right kind of government. You mistakenly associate my support of a candidate to include every aspect of that candidate's or Republican Party's platform. Stick to what I say in the post.

Welfare is government interference. Go upstream and fix the cause of the basic problems with welfare. Fix the 2nd - 3rd - and 4th generation welfare recipients. IMHO, most of these folks feel that the government owes them!

There has been a social breakdown with the real intent for welfare. Too many abuses of the system and free handouts to able body people who are getting our money and using that money for drugs, sex, alcohol etc!

Look at Rodney King - I can guarantee you there is plenty of white trash just like him... but to make a point - He sued LA taxpayers and got millions and squandered it all away. He continues to do the same things that caused the problem in the first place!

We need to go upstream and fix the problems that cause welfare - We do not need to give undeserving people assistance.

How do you pay for it? - With the dollars not spent giving it away to the professional abusers of the system. Guess what ... that is most of where the welfare money is going!!!

Make welfare recipients pass drug tests, take classes to improve their education, perform work within their capability (even if it means picking up trash, digging ditches, or flipping burgers.

Make these people feel they are a productive part of society.... Change these folks outlook on life through work & educational experience. Take away the "poor me" attitude!

During the Great Depression what did FDR do.... He put the out of work people back to work creating highways and other jobs to improve our infrastructure. Let's do the same thing. Welfare should not be free!

People need their self-esteem - approach our social programs with that in mind. No handouts!


Diesel ,

I thought you might serve that book up. I don't put a lot of stock in those so called "tell all" books. I've seen too many loyal servants turned liars as those folks retire and try to sell their memoirs. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.



golden ticket member

There's an old sea story in the Marine Corps about a lieutenant who inspected
his Marines in the field, and afterward told the "Gunny" that the men smelled
bad. The lieutenant suggested the solution is that they should change
underwear. The Gunny responded, "Aye, aye, sir, I'll see to it immediately!"
The Gunny went straight to the squad tent and announced, "The lieutenant thinks
you guys smell bad, and wants you to change your underwear. Smith, you change
with Jones, McCarthy, you change with Witkowsky, and Brown, you change with
Schultz. Now get to it!"

THE MORAL: A candidate may promise 'change' in Washington, but don't count on
things smelling any better.


Staff member

There's an old sea story in the Marine Corps about a lieutenant who inspected
his Marines in the field, and afterward told the "Gunny" that the men smelled
bad. The lieutenant suggested the solution is that they should change
underwear. The Gunny responded, "Aye, aye, sir, I'll see to it immediately!"
The Gunny went straight to the squad tent and announced, "The lieutenant thinks
you guys smell bad, and wants you to change your underwear. Smith, you change
with Jones, McCarthy, you change with Witkowsky, and Brown, you change with
Schultz. Now get to it!"

THE MORAL: A candidate may promise 'change' in Washington, but don't count on
things smelling any better.

Are you badmouthing McCain again?

Did you hear that story from an old marine? I've never heard that one.


Well-Known Member
Are you badmouthing McCain again?

Did you hear that story from an old marine? I've never heard that one.

Vote for McCain if you want a soccor Mom running the UNITED STATES of AMERICA when he kicks the can!

This will most certainly scare the terrorists!


Well-Known Member
Vote for McCain if you want a soccor Mom running the UNITED STATES of AMERICA when he kicks the can!

This will most certainly scare the terrorists!

Jones just can't resist that MILF look! With that streak of Ted Nugent in her, she may be a cougar.
You sicko!

I never would have believed McCain could buy you off with some good ole' T&A!



Well-Known Member
McCain will need a lot more than than that to buy my vote :happy-very:


Good one!

Let's see:
1) Chicken in every pot
2) Car in eavery garage
3) Stripper in every bed!

Maybe I need to rethink this big gov't thing after all!

Better not, the wife would kill me and the cost of Viagra would exceed the national GDP! You think SS is a bottomless pit!


I'm committed to the anti-state cause because if I can't have some, I'm gonna make damn sure none of the rest of you get any either!


MCCain will win if he can convince the american people that he is the guy that will actually form bi-partisan coalitions to fix problems. Soccor mom adds a little excitement and some entertainment but ultimately it comes down to John McCain.

Clearly the guy is not a conservative but he has been somewhat of a maverick as he tries to tell us. I'm actually intrigued by seeing what he could do with his perspective and style. I do think he would be some of what he claims in his speech the other night. this guy does march to his own drummer and with his age I think he will skip a lot of the games parties normally play.

I loved Sarah Palin but the thought of her being president with her level of experience is almost as scary as having Obama with his.

Ultimately I think the american voters frustration with bi-partisan politics is driving this election and supplying us with the candidates we now have.

Bon Appetit?


golden ticket member
McCain, at least, has a history of reaching across party lines to try and get things done. B.O. has no such history. Um, er, "present" !


Well-Known Member
Sorry for OT:

Hey Tie,

What's the weather like up your way? Give us a weather report!

That goes for any east coasters/mid-atlantic folks! Hope and pray everyone is well!


Well-Known Member
McCain, at least, has a history of reaching across party lines to try and get things done. B.O. has no such history. Um, er, "present" !

Yeah a couple of years back he was thinking about going all the way across too. But after what Rove and Bush did to him in 2000' I can understand. Do you think there is any hope he might find some kinda of legal payback against Rove? That might be fun as hell to watch!