Who is Obama


golden ticket member
I think it's interesting too. B.O. is too fearful to meet McCain in a town-hall format because without a speech he can only go "er, ahh, er, ahh." At least with a live broadcast, there can be all kinds of slip-ups by either candidate......like watching a car race on the off chance of seeing a wreck.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Uh Yes I know who Rick Warren is and have two copies of the purpose driven life. And I dont know why. :surprised:I just think they should keep the campaign out of the churches, Ive heard enough about churches since this campaign started, that I think the town hall would be much better.
Let them both yack, but I would rather hear their plans about the economy, the war, education reform, than aids and poverty. Call me cold, I really at this point dont care. I think aids is covered in medicare and medicaid. And the war on poverty hasnt worked thus far, so I think its time to pull out, or have a surge that works, like the surge in Iraq has.


Staff member
A joke? A one hour speech by each candidate on AIDS and poverty is interesting to you? Pretty sure they both have already done this.
Yes, believe it or not, it sounds interesting to me. I give a significant amount to charity so the candidates views on poverty and AIDS, among other issues, interest me a great deal. It's one thing to pontificate in a campaign speech, but I would like to hear some specifics. I'm also curious as to how hard Rick is going to grill each candidate, if at all. He has a fairly large audience and depending on how he approaches each candidate he can certainly have an effect on public perception. You have my permission to watch something else that day :wink2:


Well-Known Member
Braze.....why has it become America's problem whenever an evil dictator or a genicide ensue's around the world. Why do America's young have pay the ultimate price for policing other nations instead of a united worldwide front. We have become what our brave young american patriots and forefathers revolted from the start of the Revoloutionary war. If this is our destiny than war is here to stay for a long time. Would you be so willing to allow your children to fight in Darfur or Sudan without worldwide support and participation.

As far as your nieghbor's son (providing the story is true), I revere him as much as any other parent or patriot does. Myself and others in this forum have been effected one way or another as well. Soldiers don't question politics or policies ON the battlefield when engaged, their loyalty is to their unit, commander, and the President.
But I draw my ire towards the culprits who got us involve in Iraq under the false pretense of lies and deception. For what?.....Oil?....cause their's money to be made by the military Ind Complex?
We are not talking Afghanistan here.....We are talking Iraq.
Instead of lashing out at the anti-Iraq war crowd, or liberals or whatever labels are tagged on people these days, channel your efforts towards our troops' preservation and value towards the ones responsible for engaging them in the wrong country.
"Ignoring dangers or excusing aggression may temporarily avert conflict, but they don't bring true peace," G.W. Bush

I suppose you'd have let Hitler finish his extermination job too!

Here gain some perspective: Take notice of who is meeting with Hitler and what Jimmy Carter had done to help the Jews.

What Really Happened In The Middle East


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I'm curious enough. I marked the date and time on my calendar. Hopefully, the site will be working if it's not overloaded.

Rick Warren has built a giant mega-church and is a best selling author.

A little off topic, but I heard this line in my Sunday School Class this morning that I thought made a good point about churches: "The Church is a hospital for Sinners, not a hotel for Saints". That about sums it up for me, I'm in Intensive Care.


Senior Member
Rick Warren has built a giant mega-church and is a best selling author.

A little off topic, but I heard this line in my Sunday School Class this morning that I thought made a good point about churches: "The Church is a hospital for Sinners, not a hotel for Saints". That about sums it up for me, I'm in Intensive Care.
Ha, ha!!!.
I am on the phone right now for you.
The Hospice Care people should show up at your house soon.


Well-Known Member
It just so happens that someone else made the Paris Hilton comparison before McCain!!:happy-very:

Would all of this overwrought press hysteria be rendered even sillier were it to turn out that Sen. McCain was in actuality quoting Sen. Obama?

"Andy Warhol said we all get our 15 minutes of fame," says Barack Obama. "I've already had an hour and a half. I mean, I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."

The Senator's humble beginning
or if you prefer this version

No apoligies necessary my buddie McCain was just quoting me!:wink2:

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I bought the book "The Obama Nation" and am about half way through it. Very interesting read. It brings up the question I've been wondering for quite a while....why would anyone want to vote for Obama? I'm not including the far left liberals in that question. We all know they are a lost cause. I'm wondering why anyone else would be insane enough to vote for him. It's either insanity or simply because they have no clue what comes with the package. So, in a sense most of his supporters don't know anything about their candidate. They just see his bumper sticker campaign slogans and aren't aware of the truth. I think that if people would just read this book then their eyes would be opened and we all would be spared four years of his radical and socialistic policies.


golden ticket member
BAU...they're in awe of his charisma. He's the flowery speaking candidate. His supporters can't name a thing he's done....they just stammer and change the subject. Hmmmm, change !!


Well-Known Member
Obama is truly the most scary, liberal radical of our times...Do you want that? Aside from not knowing what the hell he is talking about he has ties to radicals and probably would be stopped at the boarder because of them..:wink2:

I agree with BAU, c'mon people WAKE THE HELL UP!!!:biting:


golden ticket member
By the way, there was a phone interview with Rick Warren today covering the topics for B.O. and McCain. I wrote as fast as I could, but I'm no secretary.

The topics will be:

leadership and stewardship
character and confidence
poverty & disease
view of the world

Each candidate will have 10 mins. on each subject.


Obama is truly the most scary, liberal radical of our times...Do you want that? Aside from not knowing what the hell he is talking about he has ties to radicals and probably would be stopped at the boarder because of them..:wink2:

I agree with BAU, c'mon people WAKE THE HELL UP!!!:biting:

I agree with your overall assessment. the one consolation may be that I don't think he is a strong enough leader to evoke any radical change. His record indicates a passive push over. Not good on the foreign front though. I can picture a scene from braveheart where some minor third world leader says to another " I hope you washed your arse today because its about to be kissed by a president".


Staff member
Paris Hilton has released a video rebuttal to McCain's "celebrity" ad. Mildly humorous.

Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad from Paris Hilton, Adam "Ghost Panther" McKay, and Chris Henchy


Well-Known Member
I think it's interesting too. B.O. is too fearful to meet McCain in a town-hall format because without a speech he can only go "er, ahh, er, ahh." At least with a live broadcast, there can be all kinds of slip-ups by either candidate......like watching a car race on the off chance of seeing a wreck.

Since when does the GOP sets the ground rules of engagement as far as how many Town hall meetings to hold. It's a two way street so keep your shirt on. And be careful what you ask for, like Obama going to Iraq and abroad, turned out to bite McSame in the butt. Anyhow,not that any canidate is perfect or has all the answers but I'll put Obama's policies, IQ and question and answer abilities up against McSame anyday. And I call no platform stool for McSame to make him look taller.:wink2:

I suppose you'd have let Hitler finish his extermination job too!

Invoking the German dictator who subjugated Europe; who tried to exterminate the Jews; who sought to overtake the world is not just in the poorest of taste, but in its hyperbole, it insults not merely the victims of the Third Reich, but those in this country who died, fought it and defeated it.

Just a foot-note...Then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld thought he could equate those who doubted him with Nazi appeasers, without reminding anybody that the actual, historical Nazi appeasers in this country in the 1930s were the Republicans.

So who do we attack next Brazen?
-Kim Jong II ----North Korea.....death by famine to over 2 million people, every home with a speaker in the house set to preset stations spewing propaganda every day
-Omar Al Bashir....launched genicide in Darfur and neighboring countries, massive rapes and intiate children by having them kill their of parents
-Meles Zinawi.......Euthiopia......massacreing the opposition during the 2005 elections
-Than Shwe----Burma......the regime stifles the country and destroys the economy, and it didn’t lift a finger to help people in the aftermath of the recent cyclone — except that it blocked foreign assistance.

Zimbabwe, Equatorial Guinea, Chad, China, Cuba, Syria, Turkmenistan and other central Asian countries all are autocratic and repressive.

Come on...:gunsmilie:tank:...Who's next? As you pointed out, like Bush said....."Ignoring dangers or excusing aggression may temporarily avert conflict, but they don't bring true peace," G.W. Bush
Why are we ignoring all these countries?????..Some have nukes? Some are Black? Some have no resources we can't bank on? Some have no logistical advantages for us?

I bought the book "The Obama Nation" and am about half way through it. Very interesting read. It brings up the question I've been wondering for quite a while....why would anyone want to vote for Obama? I'm not including the far left liberals in that question. We all know they are a lost cause. I'm wondering why anyone else would be insane enough to vote for him. It's either insanity or simply because they have no clue what comes with the package. So, in a sense most of his supporters don't know anything about their candidate. They just see his bumper sticker campaign slogans and aren't aware of the truth. I think that if people would just read this book then their eyes would be opened and we all would be spared four years of his radical and socialistic policies.

:hypnosis: Only you and "The Shadow" know the truth BigA......
At the count of three, when I snap my fingers you are a Democratic Donkey.....1,2,3, SNAP......Now go buy an "I :love-very: Obama" bumper sticker for your car and enjoy all the social entity's the gov't provides for you.

Obama is truly the most scary, liberal radical of our times...Do you want that? Aside from not knowing what the hell he is talking about he has ties to radicals and probably would be stopped at the boarder because of them..:wink2:

I agree with BAU, c'mon people WAKE THE HELL UP!!!:biting:

Be afraid....be VERY afraid.....the anti-christ is coming......oh no Everybody run, there's a lobster loose and it's wearing a Rachal Ray scarf.
And beware of the Muslim fist pump....."aye aye aye aye aye"<----- (Muslim women rally chant)
Guess I don't make a good Drama Queen like Brazen:wink2:

I agree with your overall assessment. the one consolation may be that I don't think he is a strong enough leader to evoke any radical change. His record indicates a passive push over. Not good on the foreign front though. I can picture a scene from braveheart where some minor third world leader says to another " I hope you washed your arse today because its about to be kissed by a president".

Just curious. Just wondering when you guys will turn your attention away from Obama and present a case why Mcbush should continue to lead our country modeled after the worst US President (and Administration) in our nation's history. I also blame Congress for allowing themselves to be duped by this circus act as well. Sch!t rolls down hill, but blame rises to the top.


golden ticket member
Hey, you gotta give Paris credit (dumb as she is) she is good at taking opportunities and self promoting herself. I really don't know what that girl does, but she keeps her name in the news.
I wonder what she lists for 'occupation' on her tax returns.:dissapointed:

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I bought the book "The Obama Nation" and am about half way through it. Very interesting read. It brings up the question I've been wondering for quite a while....why would anyone want to vote for Obama? I'm not including the far left liberals in that question. We all know they are a lost cause. I'm wondering why anyone else would be insane enough to vote for him. It's either insanity or simply because they have no clue what comes with the package. So, in a sense most of his supporters don't know anything about their candidate. They just see his bumper sticker campaign slogans and aren't aware of the truth. I think that if people would just read this book then their eyes would be opened and we all would be spared four years of his radical and socialistic policies.

I think you make a good point... It is kind of like that statement "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"!
The only problem I have is buying the book. I don't want him to get one red cent of my money. I guess I will have to go to the library and see if they have it!


Staff member
I think you make a good point... It is kind of like that statement "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"!
The only problem I have is buying the book. I don't want him to get one red cent of my money. I guess I will have to go to the library and see if they have it!

I wouldn't worry about Obama getting your money, he's not involved with the book at all, unless you count the caricature of him that exists in the fevered imagination of author Jerome Corsi. He's a bit of a whackjob (Corsi, that is), and even many of his supposed allies on the right don't want anything to do with him. Debbie Schlussel has openly accused him of plagiarism, but she's a little crazy too so take that with a grain of salt. He's also a big endorser of the totally ridiculous concept of "abiotic oil". He probably needs your money a lot more than Obama does.


Just curious. Just wondering when you guys will turn your attention away from Obama and present a case why Mcbush should continue to lead our country modeled after the worst US President (and Administration) in our nation's history. I also blame Congress for allowing themselves to be duped by this circus act as well. Sch!t rolls down hill, but blame rises to the top.

As soon as you present a case why Hussien Carter should lead our country modeled after Jimmy [oh crap the worlds gone to hell] carter.


Well-Known Member
As soon as you present a case why Hussien Carter should lead our country modeled after Jimmy [oh crap the worlds gone to hell] carter.

I think it's pretty safe to say the country is not led by one man, but by who you surround yourself with....Take for example George ('I'm the Decider") Bush. He's surrounded himself with the likes of Carl ("The Brain) Rove, Donald ("I'm in Charge") Rumsfeld, Dick("Shotgun")Cheney.....all jilted with restriaining orders from attending the Republican Nat'l Convention. Those are the [oh crap the worlds gone to hell] gang.

One thing about Naval Lt (and ex-Pres) Jimmy Carter is having military experience doesn't mean you make for the best President.(your POV of course). But Carter was a good visionary of not only peace in the Middle east, but of less consumption and ways to break away from oil dependentcy. If only we acted on his judgement, we wouldn't be in this predictament burdening us and our next generation. The same goes for AL Gore. In fact while the GOP laughed and stoled them out of office and regained control of the whitehouse, marketing urgency of energy and enviroment was sort of put on the back burner. Ironically McCain was in the senate for 26 of those years and only now is starting to address it. Out with the old, in with the new.