Overpaid Union Thug
Well-Known Member
Funny you mention an Obama sticker. That, in fact, is they type of campaign your candidate is runny. A bumper sticker campaign. It's sad because that's all that it takes to attract liberal votes.....a catch phrase on a bumper stick regardless of whether the catch phrase has no substance or not.Only you and "The Shadow" know the truth BigA......
At the count of three, when I snap my fingers you are a Democratic Donkey.....1,2,3, SNAP......Now go buy an "IObama" bumper sticker for your car and enjoy all the social entity's the gov't provides for you.
Yeah....and seeing how our socialist buddy Obama mirrors Pelosis in almost every way...and seeing how she represents the worst congress in recent history (approval rating of 9%)....I'd say that "four more years of Bush" sounds much better than four more years of Pelosi.Just curious. Just wondering when you guys will turn your attention away from Obama and present a case why Mcbush should continue to lead our country modeled after the worst US President (and Administration) in our nation's history. I also blame Congress for allowing themselves to be duped by this circus act as well. Sch!t rolls down hill, but blame rises to the top.
You mentioned that "Mcbush" was modeled after the worst US President in our nations history. Well, that's funny because no matter how many times I try and compare Bush to Jimmy Carter I fail to see how Bush can surpass him as being the worst President ever.