That email was from an officer in the Army stationed in Afghanistan. He sent it to his family. The following was in the Army Times.
Army Times sent an e-mail to Porter, a Utah Army National Guard member assigned to the 142nd Military Intelligence Battalion, asking if he could verify that he wrote the controversial e-mail and requesting an interview.
Porter’s reply declined the interview request, but said:
“I am writing this to ask that you delete my e-mail and not forward it. This e-mail was meant only for my family. Please respect my wishes and delete the e-mail and if there are any blogs you have my e-mail portrayed on I would ask if you would take it down too.”
I think we now have a young Army officer trying to repair some of the damage done to his career. This email has taken on a life of its own. The pentagon has released a statement saying not everything in the email was accurate but declined to say which part.
Reguardless whether the circumstances of the author is authentic or not, the debate is "Did Obama blow off the troopos"?....False.... the content had factual inaccuracies debunked not only by the snopes research staff but a named LT Army Col.. Besides, such political commentary is barred from uniformed personal.
BTW...Does that political commentary have the tone of a e-mail letter written to one's family? One usally signs off family e-mails with an effectionate good-bye....not "in service"
btw, marines generally don't refer to themselves as soldiers (the interservice rivalry thing), so something like that is usually a tipoff.
Change ??
Were you in Afghanistan when this happened? Your info is based on the same info I had. It is based on something we both saw on the internet?
So - your answer to all of this is as good or bad as mine is.... now isn't that the real fact!
I just don't TRUST BO or as I call him "Osama Bin Loopy" or "Loopy" for short. It is my affectionate name for him. LOL!
I won't vote for him and have no faith that he will do this country any good! It is my opinion that he will polarize this country if he gets into office. and that is change I can't depend on! I personally believe he will say anything to get into power then he will do what he wants once he gets there. thing though about forming an opinion and publicly posting it on a forum, It is subject to agreement, scrutiny and or constructive critiszism.Anyone who is passionate about an issue, looks at the information with rose colored glasses. I realize that. I am not here to change your vote. You have made up your mind. I do not hold you any animosity for your opinion.
I am expressing my opinion. One of many things I like about BC is that folks are passionate about what they believe in. It is wonderful to hear everyone's opinion or take on the varied subjects we comment on.
I will be curious to see if you can find something to discredit my opinion!!! LOL! Go check on that one.![]()
Fact is a named high ranking military official stated the accounts were not factual....period.....or do you blow off military members who don't give credence to your party's agenda. I wonder how you feel about Gen Wesley Clark?
Glad you feel that way.....but IMO, I don't trust "Hanoi Songbird McCain" with his manchorian finger on a nuke. I apologize now because I know that bothers you, but connecting Obama with a mass murderer is sort of offensive as well....But thats just my opinion.
What politician won't say anything to get into power? Is that something
Your joking about the polarizing....aren't you? This country has never been more split since the civil war. Of course under the watchful eye of GW Bush.....Just my opinion thing though about forming an opinion and publicly posting it on a forum, It is subject to agreement, scrutiny and or constructive critiszism.
my diesel is fighting hard to support obama. I don't know what the big deal is. I wouldn't expect obama to interact with soldiors who have been fighting and dying for their country while Obama slept in his pews.
what I am surprised about is that no one commented on the stupidity of a black man staging a basketball photo shoot while visiting our troops on the front lines. heck a media person from the KKK couldn't have screwed that up any worse.
lets see show obama as a leader thanking the troops on the front lines or show obama shucking and jiving and playing basketball.
my diesel is fighting hard to support obama. I don't know what the big deal is. I wouldn't expect obama to interact with soldiors who have been fighting and dying for their country while Obama slept in his pews.
And I wouldn't expect any other answer from my Tieguy
what I am surprised about is that no one commented on the stupidity of a black man staging a basketball photo shoot while visiting our troops on the front lines. heck a media person from the KKK couldn't have screwed that up any worse.
"Shoot hoops with the troops".......isn't that sort of a "meet and greet" with the troops, isn't that interacting. Probably a little more exciting bumping the soon to be president in the paint playing hoops than just shaking hands with malanoma face.....
lets see show obama as a leader thanking the troops on the front lines or show obama shucking and jiving and playing basketball.
Where I come from the only shucking going on is oysters in the Keys.
Is that really what you think when you see a black man playing basketball? I have not heard this from anyone else, so I can only assume it originates with you.
Basketball is a pretty popular sport these days, particularly among the age group that makes up our front line military, which is one of the reasons there was a basketball court there. Regardless of whether or not they support Obama, I doubt that the troops thought it was just another black man "shuckin and jiving", at least I hope not.
I expected that you folks would try to turn these issues into a tieguy bigot issue. thats fine. I'm not running for president.
The guy that is has to overcome the fact that no black man has ever been elected president.
So if he is the first then he should have scheduled his photo shoots showing him looking like a leader visiting the troops on the front lines instead of playing basketball.
Twist that any way you like.
We gave women the right to vote and now we are giving the country the rest away if a Black man wins office. I am not making this a racial debate but we might as well just give everything away now because that is what we will do! Not only is your wife the boss because of equal rights ammendment now you can answer to the Black community!
If you want to know why a Man has a hard time finding employment now look around you folks, women are taking mens jobs that once fed the family. It used to take man to support the household but now women HAVE to work to financially support a family and throw in honey due list and don't worry about sleep.
Now we will just give the rest of the jobs to the Black community or just move Africa here! We paid for there education and now we will work and answer to them! Good grief!
What will this country become? I say Close the borders........I feel sorry for the white Man that arrived here with Christopher Columbus!
I am not saying McCain is by any means the answer...
Is there any Independent runnings mates because I am not going to vote!
Badgered by critics whining about his unwillingness to take a clearly defined stance on issues, Barack Obama has released the following document, which explains his position on several important matters. We hope this clears things up.