Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Well-Known Member
Kav was half in the bag all afternoon. Those little bottles weren’t water, straight vodka. Crazy mood swings from absolute anger to open weeping. He needs help, and a new liver.
What is amusing is that the Reps are always weeping over how in their estimation poor little Brett has been so mistreated as Graham so stated in his emotional outburst. So what do you have to say about Merrick Garland ,Senator Graham when it comes to treating somebody badly. You chastised Diane Feinstein regarding her attempt to push the confirmation back to after the midterms in the hope that the Dems will take control of Congress but you sir did exactly the same thing to Merrick Garland by waiting until Trump took over so he could nominate his guy. But sir in the end you'll get Kavanaugh in and yes you as others have stated will likely get Sessions job so you can shut down the Mueller investigation. But before you do that stop to consider the possibility that it could cost your party the WH and Congress for many years to come.


Staff member
Republicans (54%) are the only group among whom a majority believes Kavanaugh should be confirmed even if the accusations prove to be true..

NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll National Survey Results

Case in point:

Standing alongside her teenage girls, the unidentified woman replied: “Groping a woman? At 18?”

Turning to her daughters, she then asked: “I mean, how many guys do you know who think that’s no big deal?”

As her daughters appeared to agree with her, she continued: “It’s not a big deal.”

The woman insisted that even if there was some truth to the allegations it “doesn't’t take away from his character and his job to do what he needs to do as a Supreme Court nominee.”

Trump and Brett Kavanaugh supporter tells daughters men groping women ‘is no big deal


Well-Known Member
I said it was theater from the beginning. Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen but it’s playing out for politics now.

Haven’t seen you admit that about the right. Care to now?

You haven't been paying attention , said it many times once recently to you. I'm pissed I'm paying tax dollars for these reindeer games.


Well-Known Member
Just confirm the dude, put that asterisk next to his name, and move on.

Turtles doesn’t care if he loses the Senate, he just wants a Conservative SC.

What a circus...

I will say, that was the most nakedly partisan SC nominee performance I’ve ever seen.



Well-Known Member
Turtles effectively denied Obama's Garland nomination, yes, but he also cock-blocked all of Obama's other lower court appointees.

Trump said Obama 'got tired', or 'didn't care' about appointing judges, but that's false...Trump takes credit for everything, even when it has nothing to do with him.

Reid changed the Senate rules so that Obama could get some of his legitimate appointees on the lower courts...Turtles changed the rule yet again for SC picks.

My point is, Turtles and Trump have already stacked the lower courts with Scalia clones, so to my mind, cases that would reach the SC simply won't, because they'll get shut down earlier.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Turtles effectively denied Obama's Garland nomination, yes, but he also cock-blocked all of Obama's other lower court appointees.

Trump said Obama 'got tired', or 'didn't care' about appointing judges, but that's false...Trump takes credit for everything, even when it has nothing to do with him.

Reid changed the Senate rules so that Obama could get some of his legitimate appointees on the lower courts...Turtles changed the rule yet again for SC picks.

My point is, Turtles and Trump have already stacked the lower courts with Scalia clones, so to my mind, cases that would reach the SC simply won't, because they'll get shut down earlier.
Obviously you did not investigate this.
Before Obama took over 10 over the 11 Appeal Courts had majority Repug appointed judges.
After Obama, 7 of the 11 Appeal Courts had majority Dim appointed judges.
The Federal Appeals court is important because the SCOTUS takes very few cases of the Fed Appeals court decisions which means most of the laws that affect us are at the Appeals court level.

Fed Judges.PNG