Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Staff member
That's the one. After all, no matter what he claims the only thing that matters, by your party's standard, is that the victim be believed and all allegations against him are true. Surely you give him the same consideration you give Kavanaugh? Or are you tone deaf?
I guess the investigation—that HE REQUESTED—will let us know.


Just a turd


Well-Known Member
OK Tieflake,

I mean really, what is your assertion?

That Ford is lying? That's she's part of a VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY (lol)?

Write that down on paper, read it back to yourself, and get back to me.

Cui bono? Who benefits by being untruthful?

Not Dr. Ford!

Just confirm the alki already, put an asterisk next to his name, and let's move on.

That you're a snowflake just like that goofy woman that testified today.


Well-Known Member
That Ford is lying? That's she's part of a VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY (lol)?


did you notice the pair of high powered Clinton lawyers that dragged that goofy nut in to do the interview?
allegedly she has something like 4 degrees yet her style of speaking alternated between little girl and simpleton.
by watching her tears you would think she had been held hostage and raped over and over.
instead some randy boy jumped on her , held her down and dry humped her while groping her .
very very unpleasant no doubt but not the kind of thing that causes permanent psychological damage to someone.

her speciality is what psychology? What a coincidence.
three witnesses she claims say they know nothing about it ,including the best friend?

she doesn't know what house she went to that day? six people there including her.
does not know whose house it was?
does not remember how long she had to travel to get there?
she does not know how she got there or how she got home?
she couldn't even explain how she normally got around before she could drive?
does not know who she went there with or whether she went there alone.
did not know whether she got there before kav or after but knew he had been drinking before he got there ? how?

way too many gaps in that story . I'm sure there are some expected gaps but not like this.

I think the story she told was one or a combination of some she heard while working in her field.

in her defense I don't think she is maliciously dishonest , I think she is a nut job who believes the lies she is spinning.
remember even her girlfriend who she claims was there denied knowing anything about this.
she didn't get forced into acts of brutal violence. she got dry humped that's something you tell a girlfriend not hide within for 30 years and then
suddenly claim psychological damage.

its a story you will believe if you are a snowflake and want to believe it out of hatred for Trump . The rest of us call baloney
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Inordinately Right
Which will resolve nothing, but will delay proceedings until they can figure out how to delay it further in hopes of capturing the Senate in the midterms.
I'm not surprised a closet liberal like you wants Kavanaugh to have an asterisk beside his appointment in the history books.

He deserves to have his name cleared, the only way to do that is with an investigation.


Well-Known Member
did you notice the pair of high powered Clinton lawyers that dragged that goofy nut in to do the interview?
allegedly she has something like 4 degrees yet her style of speaking alternated between little girl and simpleton.
by watching her tears you would think she had been held hostage and raped over and over.
instead some randy boy jumped on her , held her down and dry humped her while groping her .
very very unpleasant no doubt but not the kind of thing that causes permanent psychological damage to someone.

her speciality is what psychology? What a coincidence.
three witnesses she claims say they know nothing about it ,including the best friend?

she doesn't know what house she went to that day? six people there including her.
does not know whose house it was?
does not remember how long she had to travel to get there?
she does not know how she got there or how she got home?
she couldn't even explain how she normally got around before she could drive?
does not know who she went there with or whether she went there alone.
did not know whether she got there before kav or after but knew he had been drinking before he got there ? how?

way too many gaps in that story . I'm sure there are some expected gaps but not like this.

I think the story she told was one or a combination of some she heard while working in her field.

in her defense I don't think she is maliciously dishonest , I think she is a nut job who believes the lies she is spinning.
remember even her girlfriend who she claims was there denied knowing anything about this.
she didn't get forced into acts of brutal violence. she got dry humped that's something you tell a girlfriend not hide within for 30 years and then
suddenly claim psychological damage.

its a story you will believe if you are a snowflake and want to believe it out of hatred for Trump . The rest of us call bullschat
But, but, you must believe the accuser! Just ask Juanita Broderick, the Dems ALWAYS believe the accuser.