Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Obviously you did not investigate this.
Before Obama took over 10 over the 11 Appeal Courts had majority Repug appointed judges.
After Obama, 7 of the 11 Appeal Courts had majority Dim appointed judges.
The Federal Appeals court is important because the SCOTUS takes very few cases of the Fed Appeals court decisions which means most of the laws that affect us are at the Appeals court level.

View attachment 214625

Right, but why were there so many open positions when Trump became President?

Because Turtles blocked Obama's appointments.

Your graph addresses a separate issue.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Right, but why were there so many open positions when Trump became President?

Because Turtles blocked Obama's appointments.

Your graph addresses a separate issue.
That's because Reid and Obama stacked the courts.
You are accusing Trump of doing the same thing as Obama did ... if that was your intent, then I agree with you.


Well-Known Member
That's because Reid and Obama stacked the courts.
You are accusing Trump of doing the same thing as Obama did ... if that was your intent, then I agree with you.

I think we're having two different conversations...

Obama got his picks for two years, and then got blocked for the remainder of his Presidency by Turtles.

Did he 'stack the courts', as you say, or did he exercise his power to simply appoint judges? Remember, elections matter, but Turtles shut him down.

(gotta hand it to Turtles, he's wielded more power than most Presidents...)

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I think we're having two different conversations...

Obama got his picks for two years, and then got blocked for the remainder of his Presidency by Turtles.

Did he 'stack the courts', as you say, or did he exercise his power to simply appoint judges? Remember, elections matter, but Turtles shut him down.

(gotta hand it to Turtles, he's wielded more power than most Presidents...)
I was talking about Obama in 2 years and now Trump for close to two years.

I don't think Turtles is all that smart (he's from the same state as @Turdferguson).
Reid opened the door and utilized the open door until the Repugs got control of the Senate.
If the Dims take over Senate then they are equal (except for potential SCOTUS).
Whoever has control of the Senate now controls appointments to the Federal Courts.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you're trying to earn one too

OK Tieflake,

I mean really, what is your assertion?

That Ford is lying? That's she's part of a VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY (lol)?

Write that down on paper, read it back to yourself, and get back to me.

Cui bono? Who benefits by being untruthful?

Not Dr. Ford!

Just confirm the alki already, put an asterisk next to his name, and let's move on.

El Correcto

god is dead
OK Tieflake,

I mean really, what is your assertion?

That Ford is lying? That's she's part of a VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY (lol)?

Write that down on paper, read it back to yourself, and get back to me.

Cui bono? Who benefits by being untruthful?

Not Dr. Ford!

Just confirm the alki already, put an asterisk next to his name, and let's move on.
I should just send in letter saying Beto O Rourke raped me when I was 15. It doesn’t matter where, when or who was there, he raped me and I am a victim. I demand FBI investigations immediately into my claims.

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t even really like Kavanaugh, republicans aren’t known for their testicular fortitude when it comes to backing their people for a political gain.

They aren’t like the democrats and rally behind every piece of :censored2: that rapes or kills a woman.

I could see this killing Kavanaugh’s chances.


Staff member
Imagine going into a job interview and they are broadcasting on national television some crazy lady crying telling stories about how you raped her when she was 15 without evidence and half the people interviewing you are agreeing with her and there are mobs outside screaming they believe her.

I should just send in letter saying Beto O Rourke raped me when I was 15. It doesn’t matter where, when or who was there, he raped me and I am a victim. I demand FBI investigations immediately into my claims.

I don’t even really like Kavanaugh, republicans aren’t known for their testicular fortitude when it comes to backing their people for a political gain.

They aren’t like the democrats and rally behind every piece of :censored2: that rapes or kills a woman.

I could see this killing Kavanaugh’s chances.
Slow down, take a deep breath. The sun will rise tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Have they investigated the allegations of Dr. Ford? It is my understanding they haven’t.
You mean the one where she can't name when or where it happened, but does remember who was there, including her best friend? All of whom said in sworn affidavits, including her best friend, that nothing of the sort ever happened? Not to mention he didn't know her at all, not to mention he kept a detailed calendar of where he was and when and presented that to the committee.