Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Staff member
Doesn't matter. Most likely a MSM outlet is covering for Ellison by saying he asked for an investigation when he didn't. Anything to help a Democrat win an election. Why is he no longer a Congressman anyways?
Such conspiracies you dream up


Just a turd
You on vacation this week or is TDS keeping you awake? :wink2:

Stepdaughter and one of my son's arguing over stupid crap woke me up

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!
Should Kavanagh get Borked?
I confessed I was the person that groped and fondled Miss Blasey all those decades ago and yet the leftwing nutwigs are still using her.

Meanwhile, Kavanaugh is getting Borked by progressive political agents even though they know Kavanaugh did not do it!

The Progressive's reasoning is best explained here:
What we know about Kavanaugh’s record makes him, like Robert Bork, unsuitable for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. Bork’s nomination was doomed because of the dramatically conservative direction in which he was likely to lead the court.

Listening yesterday to both testimonies. Kavanaugh seems more credible than Blasey. Kavanaugh has a calendar on those dates, Blasey seems a wreck turning pages. I feel empathy for both, this should not being on air as Ms.Blasey requested, but the hearing was a complete political circus. Both lives will be ruin and remember forever.


I’m full of it
Listening yesterday to both testimonies. Kavanaugh seems more credible than Blasey. Kavanaugh has a calendar on those dates, Blasey seems a wreck turning pages. I feel empathy for both, this should not being on air as Ms.Blasey requested, but the hearing was a complete political circus. Both lives will be ruin and remember forever.
A lot of housewives lives were ruined yesterday no soap operas.

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!
Now, all this women who are being rape believe Kavanaugh its the motive for their past experience. Smh.. "Emotions are not Evidence" (Omara)


Well-Known Member
But, but, you must believe the accuser! Just ask Juanita Broderick, the Dems ALWAYS believe the accuser.

thats the other issue metoo has now turned innocent until proven into guilty until proven.

Kavanaugh has an impeccable reputation yet the whole FBI question forces the concept of guilty until proven innocent.

This vote has to go through to preserve the sanctity of innocent until proven guilty.

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!
Mark Judge, the high school friend of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, wrote in a letter Thursday that he does “not recall the events” described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford during her testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

He has not interested in proceed with this circus. Why they are asking for a Subpoena? It was voted Nay..11-10. Why FBI investigation? They will be only an investigation nothing more, that will prolong Kavanaugh confirmation. Democrats leaving the room like babies, what a Joke..smh.