Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!
Sen. Feinstein going over the same thing we knew yesterday. What is her purpose? Open her chest? because most democrats just left already. Other two witnesses dont want to testified, no one wants, only Kavanaugh next day, but took 10 days to be listen. Not Even Dr. Ford wants to be in the hearing, now she said was a "Civic Duty" what a Joke. This is a politician battle Democrats vs. Republicans. They don't care about Dr. Ford or Kavanaugh. They are both victims of both parties agenda, which the only purpose is taking down POTUS by a Nay Vote Smh...
:kickme::kickedoutsmile:Judiciary Commitee.


Well-Known Member
Mark Judge, the high school friend of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, wrote in a letter Thursday that he does “not recall the events” described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford during her testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

He has not interested in proceed with this circus. Why they are asking for a Subpoena? It was voted Nay..11-10. Why FBI investigation? They will be only an investigation nothing more, that will prolong Kavanaugh confirmation. Democrats leaving the room like babies, what a Joke..smh.

only to stall


nowhere special
Ford came across as someone with mental issues when she got away from her prepared statements. She couldn't remember details on her own and had to keep checking her notes to see what she was supposed to have remembered. I thought they should have hit her harder on her supposed fear of flying and who provided the lawyers for her that she didn't even know if she was paying for and seemed to have kept her in the dark about what was going on.


Well-Known Member
Ford came across as someone with mental issues when she got away from her prepared statements. She couldn't remember details on her own and had to keep checking her notes to see what she was supposed to have remembered. I thought they should have hit her harder on her supposed fear of flying and who provided the lawyers for her that she didn't even know if she was paying for and seemed to have kept her in the dark about what was going on.

i agree , i think she has other issues going on and it has nothing to do with her high school days.


Inordinately Right
Most sexual assault victims are liars. l bet she really wanted it. If not, she probably deserves it for dressing like a slut.

Sometimes, it's best to just kiss them, don't even ask. Just reach out and grab them by the p***y.


Well-Known Member
The Kavanaugh confirmation hearing is not the story. It's the story behind the story that's the story:
1. Kavanugh is confirmed.
2. A huge female voter backlash. GOP loses House . Barely holds onto the Senate
3. Tough new sexual assault legislation making acquittal much tougher for the accused.
4. Graham new AG. But will he roll over for Trump and shut down the Mueller investigation despite the certain GOP catastrophe in the 2020 election?
5. SCOTUS will overturn large portions of New Deal and Great Society legislation impacting many segments of the population leaving many to question whether
they are really as conservative as they believe they are.

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!
Ford came across as someone with mental issues when she got away from her prepared statements. She couldn't remember details on her own and had to keep checking her notes to see what she was supposed to have remembered. I thought they should have hit her harder on her supposed fear of flying and who provided the lawyers for her that she didn't even know if she was paying for and seemed to have kept her in the dark about what was going on.

She never asked to be there in first place, its all orchestrated by democrats. She was not well prepared, by her attorneys. I as a female, believe something happens to her but Not by Kavanaugh, she dont even know the place this rape took place, but know who did it?, didn't know who took it to the Party, who pushed to the bed? But know who raped her? Something doesn't fit in all those events.

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!
Most sexual assault victims are liars. l bet she really wanted it. If not, she probably deserves it for dressing like a slut.

Sometimes, it's best to just kiss them, don't even ask. Just reach out and grab them by the p***y.

I dont agree to your statement. The real issue is the lengthy all this women came forward to accused a rapist, example Bill Cosby, Weinstein, etc...if they don't talk is fear, but why now?

They are letting rapist continue with this sick pattern. Why not act immediately, for me as a woman there is not excuse. Period.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
The Kavanaugh confirmation hearing is not the story. It's the story behind the story that's the story:
1. Kavanugh is confirmed.
2. A huge female voter backlash. GOP loses House . Barely holds onto the Senate
3. Tough new sexual assault legislation making acquittal much tougher for the accused.
4. Graham new AG. But will he roll over for Trump and shut down the Mueller investigation despite the certain GOP catastrophe in the 2020 election?
5. SCOTUS will overturn large portions of New Deal and Great Society legislation impacting many segments of the population leaving many to question whether
they are really as conservative as they believe they are.
How are you going to get such legislation passed? And it'll be shot down by courts. You're innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.


Well-Known Member
How are you going to get such legislation passed? And it'll be shot down by courts. You're innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.
The focus will be on finding a way whereby wealthy and powerful men like Cosby and Weinstein will no longer be able to simply say that they never did it and just continue to go on their merry old way. Better science, more admissible evidence wealthy defense attorneys can't easily have suppressed . Getting convictions may not be made easier just making it no longer quite so easy to get off.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I have no idea. He votes right, works for me.
He doesn't vote 'right' which is ambiguous.
He is a Constitutionalist <sic>.
Do you mean he votes correctly for someone who believes it must be derived from the Constitution?
Are do you mean he vote your 'right' way?
Or do you mean he votes to the 'right' as in Conservative?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Spartacus, Starbuckus, Backupus aka Cory Booker
is spending his time today asking for forgiveness for disclosing "confidential" memos/e-mails.
'Please don't punish me by voting me off the Judiciary Committee'.
"This is a life time dream of mine to be on this committee!"
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Well-Known Member
You mean the one where she can't name when or where it happened, but does remember who was there, including her best friend? All of whom said in sworn affidavits, including her best friend, that nothing of the sort ever happened? Not to mention he didn't know her at all, not to mention he kept a detailed calendar of where he was and when and presented that to the committee.
July 1, 1982, at Mark Judge’s grandmothers.