Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Well-Known Member
...The guy isn’t even super right wing activist up until now...


He's anti-Union, anti-worker, anti-voter, anti-women...

Seems pretty right-wing activist to me.

Did you watch his rebuttal to Ford?

Maybe you want such a nakedly partisan dude on the SC, I don't.

El Correcto

god is dead

He's anti-Union, anti-worker, anti-voter, anti-women...

Seems pretty right-wing activist to me.

Did you watch his rebuttal to Ford?

Maybe you want such a nakedly partisan dude on the SC, I don't.

Ya such a fraud. Liberaltarian fool, just vote democrat if you going to run around letting them get your Hillary 2016 panties in a bunch. Phony talking points from fake news media.


Well-Known Member
What else can you make up about him?
You're pushing Kavanaugh in the hope that he overturns Roe vs. Wade. In your global travels you've had to have seen the results when you combine poverty with over population and the accelerated consumption of the world's resources.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Get 'em Ben.
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Well-Known Member
You're pushing Kavanaugh in the hope that he overturns Roe vs. Wade. In your global travels you've had to have seen the results when you combine poverty with over population and the accelerated consumption of the world's resources.
Yes, I was a U.N. envoy, traveling everywhere, saving mankind. Really dude?


Staff member
Lulz. Chappaquiddick happened in 1969, I’m sure that attack really resonates with the young democratic voters. So dumb, “hey remember that crap that happened 50 years ago?” Sick burn.

With you 100%.
Garbage that happened 50 years ago is out.
Garbage that (didn't) happen 35+ years ago is totally legit.

Makes sense. Sure. Why not.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
With you 100%.
Garbage that happened 50 years ago is out.
Garbage that (didn't) happen 35+ years ago is totally legit.

Makes sense. Sure. Why not.
The difference is 35+ years and a I don't remember when , where , and how.. is more valid than a submerged car with a body in it.


Well-Known Member
It was a well known fact that Ted Kennedy was a drunk . If not he might have stolen the 1980 nomination from Carter. At the same time if you're a parent with sick kids and no money CHIPS and the legislation that created it which Kennedy powered through Congress is a godsend . If Chappaquiddick is an issue with you trumpeters then the focus with regard to both it an Kavanaugh's nomination should be alcohol abuse.
The real danger we're facing now is that the politicization of SCOTUS has reached the point where both sides now have a complete distrust of the court.


You didn't know? The libs bring him back from the dead all the time. Of coarse , not to prosecute , but to elevate his high moral standard into an issue they want to push.
Seems like you cuckservatives like to bring him back from the dead as a defense for your drunk rapist scotus nominee.:happy2: