Most women who end up having an abortion are not looking to get pregnant. That's why they end up getting the abortion, which isn't like a tampon commercial. It's not a day of running through the daises.
The problem I see with this reply is that abortion is rarely a long term answer. A woman who has had one abortion is more likely to have another.
This study. This would suggest that abortion is an easier solution than a change in personal behavior.
For the accident scenario you presented earlier (or later I've been busy) there is the "morning after pill", which from my limited knowledge is not more than a stronger dose of the birth control pill. The point being that there is a choice.
One other problem I have with abortion is that it seems that as a society we place a lower value on the small and weak which from a moral standpoint seems wrong. I concede that someone considering abortion places a lower value on this moral argument than probably the economic argument, which from my understanding is a major factor, but since you requested (or demanded) my views I'll include as many as I can.
This study confirms that most women seek abortions for economic reasons which suggest that I am correct is my thinking that as a society we place a lower value on the small and weak. I'd prefer as an individual to protect or help the small and weak but I would never force others to do the same.
Our President at one point supported killing a baby even after birth which brings up a interesting moral problem for me and one that has been touched on in this thread. At what point and who decides when human life begins? The obvious answer is that the courts and legislatures get to decide, but why? In my view if you support abortion based on the sole fact that the child is in your body that would mean that you should support abortion up to the minute of birth. There are very few people who do not have at least a moral objection to this (myself included) and I've not been able to understand why, as it's still the mother's body and it would still be a choice correct that this is not the mainstream view.
The liberty argument against abortion goes along the lines of a society that "condones abortion invites attacks on personal liberty"-Paul. I personally value individual liberty and am immediately skeptical at any effort to limit liberties. I automatically view an abortion, solely for economic or comfort reasons, to be a loss of all liberty for the child.
The truth is that I cannot become pregnant so I cannot have an abortion making this no more than an academic exercise for me because in the world we live in I am considered a lower class citizen when it comes to children as I am not allowed an opinion equal to the mothers. I would prefer a world without abortion but aside from that equal rights would be nice.
I have plenty more opinions on abortion but that's not what this thread was about and apologize in advance for the hijack.