Who will the teamsters endorse.


Never bought my own handtruck
Oops. Michigan Union Boss fact check. Must be isolated from those he represents.

61.7% of Michigan members plan to vote for Trump, compared to 35.2% for Harris​

Can’t fix stupid. Maybe you should move there too? I mean we really want to support a presidential candidate that thinks we should fire striking workers? C’mon.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Can’t fix stupid. Maybe you should move there too? I mean we really want to support a presidential candidate that thinks we should fire striking workers? C’mon.
Stupidity is voting for more of what's been going on the past 3 years. I support a President that doesn't want complete open borders, criminals running wild, and high prices.


Well-Known Member
I worship Jesus Christ.

You have a sick obsession with Donald Trump because the trash media you swallow has control of your mind. You're trying to project that sickness onto me with an ignorant troll post like that.

Get a grip.
My ex wife and daughter have a weird obsession with Donald Trump also. It consumes their life. I was never much for politics much less posting 50 times a day about food prices or the border. Both canidates are wings on the same bird.