Who will win democratic nomination in 2020


Well-Known Member
I'm not limiting anything to two positions at all. I'm just saying the two positions in question are not the same thing.
Indeed. Being anti-Semitic is one thing and having sharp policy differences with the Israeli government especially when it comes to it's brutal treatment of native Palestinians including building settlements on land that was mutually agreed to belong to the Palestinians is a completely separate matter.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I'm not limiting anything to two positions at all. I'm just saying the two positions in question are not the same thing.
I agree with your qualified position as outlined here.
Your original post posited that your two choices were the only ones possible ... obviously there are many more.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Indeed. Being anti-Semitic is one thing and having sharp policy differences with the Israeli government especially when it comes to it's brutal treatment of native Palestinians including building settlements on land that was mutually agreed to belong to the Palestinians is a completely separate matter.
Go ask a Jew ... your bigoted nature shines through your spin.
I imagine a lot of slave owners weren't racist either ... just like you.


Well-Known Member
If she gains traction to become a serious contender the Hard Right will attack her on several fronts:
!. Democrat 2. Woman 3 Born on American Samoa 4 Mixed Race: Mother: Caucasian Father: Samoan But natural born American citizen which makes Tulsi the same. 4: Practicing Hindu 5: Second marriage and childless Summary: bible thumpers will be on a rampage but a O'Rourke /Gabbard ticket has to be attractive to younger voters.
If one parent is American then she's American. In her case doesn't matter, both are Americans and she is eligible to run as she was born on American soil. What other litmus test are you going to subject her to?


Well-Known Member
Indeed. Being anti-Semitic is one thing and having sharp policy differences with the Israeli government especially when it comes to it's brutal treatment of native Palestinians including building settlements on land that was mutually agreed to belong to the Palestinians is a completely separate matter.
There's no such thing as a Palestinian ethnicity. They're Arabs. There was never a Palestinian state so it's not a nationality either.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If she gains traction to become a serious contender the Hard Right will attack her on several fronts:
!. Democrat 2. Woman 3 Born on American Samoa 4 Mixed Race: Mother: Caucasian Father: Samoan But natural born American citizen which makes Tulsi the same. 4: Practicing Hindu 5: Second marriage and childless Summary: bible thumpers will be on a rampage but a O'Rourke /Gabbard ticket has to be attractive to younger voters.

Anybody who cares about her being Hindu would never have voted for her anyway. Moderates included. And after Trump, a mere second marriage is no big deal.

I actually think she’s a more widely appealing and practical candidate than O’Rourke.


Well-Known Member
Anybody who cares about her being Hindu would never have voted for her anyway. Moderates included. And after Trump, a mere second marriage is no big deal.

I actually think she’s a more widely appealing and practical candidate than O’Rourke.
A voice of reason in the Democrat Party? Better hope so because any far Left candidate is going to get flattened.


Well-Known Member
Go ask a Jew ... your bigoted nature shines through your spin.
I imagine a lot of slave owners weren't racist either ... just like you.

Which false-dichotomy does your post fall under?

JK, you do you.

But, in all seriousness, criticizing Israel’s policies doesn’t make one ‘anti-semetic’, any more than criticizing US policies makes one ‘un-American’...

You criticize US policy all the time, are you Un-American?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Which false-dichotomy does your post fall under?

JK, you do you.

But, in all seriousness, criticizing Israel’s policies doesn’t make one ‘anti-semetic’, any more than criticizing US policies makes one ‘un-American’...

You criticize US policy all the time, are you Un-American?
You’re on the right path Grasshopper!

How about if one believes the USA borders should be regulated and entrance into our country does not make one a racist?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Another night, another concert.
This time it is an EDM concert with
4 DJs presenting
The Temple of Noom
culminating with
Space Jesus

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Well-Known Member
You’re on the right path Grasshopper!

How about if one believes the USA borders should be regulated and entrance into our country does not make one a racist?


I don’t have any problem with that notion, as long as it’s carried out in a logical fashion.

Sadly, i’m bound to be disappointed, since anyone in Guvment seems to a bit-player with monied interests.

There is a correct path forward, but we’ll never reach it, because reasons.